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Now Playing: Charlemange

July 27, 2011 Hunter Wallace 2

France The point of playing these historical videos is to reacquaint ourselves with the Western tradition. Hopefully, this will encourage readers to stop measuring themselves […]

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December 8, 2010 Hunter Wallace 111

District of Corruption Pat Buchanan has drawn my attention to the latest scandal brewing in the culture war between Red America and Blue America. This […]

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The End Times

December 7, 2010 Hunter Wallace 70

The End Times The long awaited collapse of the system has become an article of faith among alienated vanguardists. Strangely enough, I rarely see James […]

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Yearning for (the other) Zion

January 24, 2010 Matt Parrott 129

National Geographic has written a relatively balanced and comprehensive article on the FLDS (Fundamentalist Mormon) communities throughout the American Southwest. They’re explicitly racial, have one of […]

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Aggregate Correctness

January 4, 2010 Matt Parrott 100

Nothing evokes an eyeroll in many WN circles quicker than mentioning Christian Identity. Their peculiar interpretation of the Christian Bible strikes those of us indoctrinated […]