VDARE on Fox: Overton Window Just Took a Flying Leap in Our Direction
I don’t know if Fox News has ever promoted VDARE before. It sure would have helped if they had done so years ago. VDARE is […]
I don’t know if Fox News has ever promoted VDARE before. It sure would have helped if they had done so years ago. VDARE is […]
I’ve long despised William Gheen of ALIPAC. For several years now, I have considered ALIPAC a cancer on the body of the immigration reform movement, […]
1070 is continuing to have some interesting effects… If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities […]
It has been my belief for some time that the true racial awakening that we keep hoping for in this nation will start at our […]
Our fellow citizens? As the young gentleman in the video says, “it is all about Mexico.” Some good White men in California disagree. We say […]
An attractive White high school student goes to Mexico to pursue her dream of helping to smuggle illegal aliens into the United States. She is […]
The liberal media was salivating over the possibility that the Times Square terrorist plot was the work of angry White men involved in the Tea […]
It’s been only a couple months since the White Advocacy community was stunned by the organized terror campaign that destroyed our biennial American Renaissance conference. […]
Three years ago: In the 18th floor of the downtown skyscraper where my law office is, I look down into the central square of a […]
It’s been an exciting week for White Nationalism. Arizona throws down the gauntlet and passes the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the country. It is […]
In right-wing circles, the success of Dutch nationalist and anti-Islam campaigner Geert Wilders has been trumpeted to all corners of the Earth. Wilders, who lives […]
Huzzah! The Governor of Arizona has finally signed the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the United States. Barack Hussein Obama, the President of Blue America, […]
This would get White Nationalist attention: Chief Rabbi Jacob Stern, leader of Los Angeles’ Jewish community, made the comments as Arizona passed a bill which […]
Leonard Zeskind asks: What’s Next for the Tea Partiers? He predicts the Tea Party Movement will radicalize in its frustration with the Republican establishment and […]
Via TOQ Online. Where is Bull Connor when you need him? More here.
Rabbi Morris Allen at the March Against America in Washington, DC:
A small group of liberals at the University of Georgia are putting on an interactive exhibit called the “Tunnel of Oppression” as part of something called “Diversity […]
Cloee Cooper is claiming (without evidence) that White Nationalists invented the term “illegal alien” to poison the well of mainstream political discourse. “Language constructs reality.” […]
I got an email this morning from a conservative reader. The headline was “Amconmag Goes Neocon.” It appears that someone has signed me up on a […]
Scott Brown (R) has defeated Martha Coakley (D) to win Ted Kennedy’s old seat. This means the Democrats have lost their filibuster proof majority in the […]
In TPMCafe and IREHR, Devin Burghart posts a hit piece on Jared Taylor and The Occidental Quarterly. He attempts to link both to Wayne Lutton […]
At Imagine 2050, Sarah Viets is literally crying over the alleged nexus between eugenics, White Nationalism, and the immigration reform movement. She claims that FAIR, […]
I found this over at Immigration Clearinghouse. It is a new William Gheen rant against White Nationalists. The highlights: – He threatens lawsuits against David […]
Today’s big news: Lou Dobbs has quit CNN to go beyond his role on cable television. His last show aired yesterday. The dreary John King […]
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