
This Is Alabama
Alabama Alabama just went through the craziest, most memorable election cycle of my lifetime. Unfortunately, I missed the best part of the fireworks during primary […]

DREAM Act fails in Senate, deals blow to anti-White movement
District of Corruption The fight against the DREAM Act amnesty not only proved that the American political process is not as broken as White Nationalists once […]

Obama Delivers Reparations
District of Corruption If it wasn’t a bad enough day with the Democrat majority in the House passing the DREAM Act amnesty to reward Mexican […]

The Corrupt Bargain
District of Corruption After returning from the gym, I learned in the comments that the awful DREAM Act has passed the House of Representatives. The […]

Comprehensive Free Trade
The Rust Belt I vaguely remember Barack Obama as a candidate in the Midwest railing against “free trade” on the campaign trail back in 2008. […]

I Have a DREAM
District of Corruption It seems Luis Gutiérrez is flirting with the idea of making life easier for White Nationalists. He is so emotionally invested in […]

Anti-Homosexuality groups now deemed “Hate Groups”
There is a recent development involving the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC has officially declared the Family Research Council and American Family Assocation as […]

Cracking Colorado
Colorado The defeat of Tom Tancredo in the Colorado Governor race was the bitterest pill to swallow of the midterm elections. The loss of Tea […]

Dream Act Warning
District of Corruption The Democrats are taking another shot at the “DREAM Act” amnesty in the House and Senate. The bill is unlikely to pass […]

Blue World
Vermont Vermont has long been a plague on the Republic. I have never traveled to this Northern state. I see no reason to go there. […]

Setbacks: New England Edition
Massachusetts and Rhode Island Elections have consequences. I have hammered away at that theme for almost four months now. In some parts of the country, […]

Rats Multiplying
Tennessee A Republican lawmaker in Tennessee has been receiving a lot of criticism for politically incorrect comments he recently made about illegal aliens. Rep. Curry […]

Tim Wise on CNN
Nashville, TN Tim Wise appeared on CNN this weekend to defend himself. He was interviewed by Don Lemon who asked him a bunch of pathetic […]

The Avalanche
White America It has been called an “earthquake” or a “tsunami” by various political pundits. I don’t like either of these natural disaster metaphors. An […]

Letter From Tim Wise
To: White America From: The Eternal Jew Behind the mask of civilized Europeans … Over at the “Daily Kos,” Tim Wise has chimed in with […]

Red Revolution
Red America “Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace […]

Sanity Ignored
District of Corruption It was a memorable Halloween weekend. Led by millionaires Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central, Blue America paraded around Washington […]

Free Traitors
The Rust Belt Before plunging into the midterm elections, I think now would be the opportune time to discuss my reservations about sending the Republicans […]

Angle and Anger
Nevada White America is furious. For the past three months, I have written about little else. I have explored the connections between implicit Whiteness, the […]

Bleeding Red
Southern Mississippi The Democratic Party is hemorrhaging a peculiar type of voter. This is fairly easily to establish. Wherever the Democrats have a foothold in […]

Blues and Blue Dogs
Asheville, North Carolina With a week to go until the midterm elections, the evidence continues to mount that Red America and Blue America are being […]

Whites Revolt
Appalachia The Democratic Party is getting its clock cleaned with White working class voters in the Midwest and Appalachia. The following quote from Michael Podhorzer, assistant […]

Leonard Zeskind and Tea Party Nationalism
(Editor’s Note: A return to Secession Week has been delayed yet again. Leonard Zeskind and the NAACP released a report today on the Tea Party, […]

Red October
(Editor’s Note: Secession Week will resume tomorrow. I’ve come across a few interesting news items that I would like to share and discuss today.) Red […]

The Bigot Whisperers
New York City, NY From his lofty perch in New York City, the “poet” and “philosopher bard” Phil Rockstroh has written an attack on the […]

Review: Civilization and Its Enemies
Stone Mountain, 2003 Even if I disagree with his conclusions, it is always a pleasure to read a Lee Harris book. I never fail to […]

The White Party
West Virginia In Slate, David Weigel calls attention to the failure of mainstream conservative scribes like Ross Douthat and David Frum to predict the stunning […]

One Nation
District of Corruption Blue America rallied in Washington this past weekend. Unlike Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in August, the “One Nation” rally on the […]