The Ground Zero Mosque
The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime. […]
The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime. […]
The Next American Civil War? Sounds interesting. When I bought this book a few weeks ago, I was immediately attracted by the title. I was […]
It is time to give credit where credit is due: leftists, negroes, and illegal aliens have admirable qualities that are in short supply in White […]
While the NAACP and the liberal blogosphere have a conniption fit over the so-called “racism” of the Tea Party, a lovely group called the “Brown […]
Which caused the more long term damage? The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima or black immigration to Detroit? See this photo essay.
Imagine if the Tea Parties explicitly said, “look how we here are all White. Only White people care about the Constitution.” They don’t do that, […]
Why is there so much nostalgia for the 1950s in White America? Why does this folk memory of pre-Obama America haunt the Progressive movement? The […]
First they bring Somalis to northern New England, and then they get all touchy when Somalis continue their well known cultural practices such as forced […]
Imagine 2050 wants the National Guard deployed to Arizona to protect illegal aliens and drug traffickers from “organized racism” and “border vigilantes.” In their words, […]
Poetic justice happens Crash test for dummies By Michael Graham Tuesday, May 25, 2010 – Added 23h ago + Recent Articles + Bio E-mail Print […]
Not only is her hero an Israeli judge, but she promised to follow in the ‘tradition’ of the two current Jewish Supreme Court justices in […]
Katrina V.D. Heuvel, Communist-American Princess, calls the GOP male, pale and stale. This writer at The Nation is shrewish She lives in a city that’s […]
As everyone knows, Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan, a Jewish lesbian, to the Supreme Court. / scratches chin 1.) We are constantly told that […]
I was amazed to see someone on the left actually say outright our worst fears about the loony left; they actually believe that a welfare […]
The demonization of the Tea Party groups is solely based on the fear of Assembling While White. AWW is the sole reason there is a […]
The liberal media was salivating over the possibility that the Times Square terrorist plot was the work of angry White men involved in the Tea […]
Join the first ever OD moonbat shoot! Invite your friends! Angela Motorman has another thread about White Nationalism on Reddit Politics. This time around she […]
As some of you may have noticed, OD is getting a lot of hits off “reddit” this evening, one of the most popular social news […]
Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, has stirred up a national controversy by having the audacity to declare the month of April “Confederate History Month” in […]
Many of us have come to view with serious consideration the concept that a ‘traditionalist’ state may be constructed in the future which will not […]
I found Sally Kohn’s article interesting because it brought up the old leftist favorite about “white and blacks unite against the plutocrats.” This doesn’t actually […]
I just got finished listening to “The Rise of Militias and Hate Groups in the U.S.” on the Diane Rehm Show. White Preservationist posted the […]
The Washington Times has a new editorial this morning called “Obama’s White Flight Problem.” The article notes that White voters are abandoning Zod-Obama in droves. […]
Hunter Wallace and Pip Pockets discuss the Tea Party Movement, the growing White backlash against Obamacare, and spurious accusations of “racism” from mainstream liberal columnists. […]
Alternative Right has continued to make waves around the blogosphere. The site has generated more attention than I expected. I thought Spencer would launch the site […]
More humor from Jeffrey Imm: His site contains a section hyperventilating over supposed “RADICAL ISLAMIC SUPREMACISM”, and then right below it a section attacking ‘Islamophobia’. […]
In The New York Times, Paul Krugman describes the 2000s as The Big Zero: a decade in which nothing good happened, there was zero economic […]
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