DiLorenzo: The Party of Great Moral Frauds
Hawaii There is some anti-racist rhetoric in this new DiLorenzo article, but it is not all that bad for a libertarian audience: “For the past […]
Hawaii There is some anti-racist rhetoric in this new DiLorenzo article, but it is not all that bad for a libertarian audience: “For the past […]
District of Corruption Here are two reasons not to vote for Mitt Romney in November:
Illinois H/T SBPDL Okay, if I were on the jury, I would vote “not guilty” on this one … Note: It wouldn’t surprise me if […]
District of Corruption H/T Auster Bruce Bartlett, the Republican author of “Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past,” is on record scoffing on Facebook: […]
Dixie H/T Kievsky The latest Alternet diatribe on evil White Southerners thwarting the progress of the Yankee Empire: “It’s been said that the rich are […]
Counter-Currents Kevin MacDonald has an excellent essay on Counter-Currents about the Yankee Question. This is too good to pass up. Note: MacDonald has never been […]
North Carolina There are few subjects which get Southerners more fired up than the Transplant Question: “About two months ago I mentioned my disappointment that […]
New York In spite of all our differences, I am confident that everyone who reads and comments on this website can agree on how satisfying […]
United States Some rebuttals against this dumb video on White Nationalism: (1) Yes, IQs overlap between racial populations, but IQs regress toward the mean. There […]
Massachusetts H/T Apulieus Mitt Romney, a Northeastern liberal and the former governor of Massachusetts, whose campaign is based in Boston, wins the Republican presidential nomination […]
Minnesota The nutty anti-racists in Minnesota are the biggest story in the conservative media right now:
New York Ross Douthat has a column in the New York Times about the bad old days before the Second World War when the Yankee […]
Virginia This is exactly why the Union must be dissolved: “In what both sides regard as one of the election’s three or four most critical […]
California In his latest Forbes column, Joel Kotkin takes a journey into the great progressive paradise on the West Coast: “California’s “progressive” approach has been […]
New York Lawrence Auster writes: “Fair points. I don’t know that Mr. Kersey has said what he thinks we should do about the problem (assuming […]
Vermont Vermont … the launching pad of great progressive ideas like the abolition of slavery, civil rights, women’s suffrage, feminism, and gay marriage has become […]
Newsweek Ladies and gentlemen, the president of Amurrica … In the National Journal, Ronald Brownstein more accurately describes Obama as the president of the “Blue […]
South Carolina I’ve continued reading William C. Davis’ Rhett: The Turbulent Life and Times of a Fire-Eater in preparation for a review. In the meantime, […]
Norway Hitler was justified in conquering this country. Lillebjoern Nilsen’s “Children of the Rainbow,” a Marxist song that Anders Breivik hates, is a Norwegian rendition of […]
Virginia Frank A. Alfriend’s A Southern Republic and a Northern Democracy appeared in the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond in May 1863: “It is no […]
Virginia St. George Tucker’s The Southern Cross appeared in the Southern Literary Messenger in March 1861: Oh, say can you see, through the gloom and […]
South Carolina H/T SNN Pretty sums up my own view of the United States: “The star-spangled banner no longer waves in triumph and glory for […]
Dixie In DeBow’s Review, J. Quitman Moore on the racial differences between the Anglo-Saxon and Normans, Puritans and Cavaliers, Yankees and Southerners: “But, when the […]
Massachusetts Marc Ferguson is shocked by “the persistence of virulent racism” which he has discovered among the reactionary conservatives on this website. Why is this […]
Amurrica Morris Berman is the author of “Why America Failed: The Roots of American Decline,” “Dark Age America: The Final Phase of Empire,” and “The […]
Minnesota H/T CofCC. I was under the impression that slavery and segregation never existed in the free soil paradise in Minnesota, but the DWLs who […]
Pennsylvania The black “teens” have struck again in Kill-adelphia … this time they got a Vietnam veteran. It is not surprising when BRA’s proudest boast […]
Oregon In Oregon, African-Americans are 1.8 percent of the population, but are responsible for 15 percent of murder, 10 percent of rape, 18 percent of […]
Oregon H/T Stormfront. The little boy just kept screaming, “Mommy, I don’t want you to die.” The woman starts crying in the interview. The saddest […]
Pennsylvania I guess this is why Bull Connor closed the public parks in Birmingham before he would desegregate them. Southerners anticipated that “free society” would […]
Arizona I’ve been watching the exchange between Brooks D. Simpson and the “Southern Heritage Preservation Group” with some considerable amusement. It strikes me as having […]
New Hampshire The CNN exit poll of New Hampshire Republican voters is out and the results are not surprising: (1) Ron Paul won 47 percent […]
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