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My Awakening

December 5, 2009 Hunter Wallace 133

A biographical note. I didn’t start out as an anti-Semite. The Jews didn’t appear on my radar screen until Fall 2001, shortly after my 21st […]

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Are Jews White? II

December 4, 2009 Hunter Wallace 53

At TOQ Online, Ted Sallis responds to Guy White’s response. I’m crossposting this here for G.W.’s benefit. He frequently reads this site. – Hunter Wallace […]

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The Alliance

December 4, 2009 Hunter Wallace 67

In the United States, Canada, Britain, France, and Switzerland, the Jews respond to friedrich braun’s proposed alliance:

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Minarets and Locusts

December 2, 2009 Hunter Wallace 41

Here’s a news item worth sharing with the local philo-Semites: JERUSALEM (JTA) — A vote in Switzerland banning the construction of minarets on new mosques […]

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New Policy

November 30, 2009 Hunter Wallace 31

Majority Rights is now deleting abusive comments. We have the same problem here and would be wise to follow their example. I’ve received a lot […]

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The Wire

November 29, 2009 Hunter Wallace 36

Has anyone seen this SWPL show? I’ve been watching it lately with my brother. The Wire is an HBO cop show about the seedy, drug […]

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November 26, 2009 Hunter Wallace 32

There is a troll impersonating me at Majority Rights. He tried to post here earlier this morning. If you read something over there that doesn’t sound […]

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November 22, 2009 Hunter Wallace 19

Alex Kurtagic has beaten me to the punch and produced a review of 2012, Roland Emmerich’s latest disaster flick, for TOQ Online. I recently watched […]

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Six Months

November 21, 2009 Hunter Wallace 4

It has been six months, half a year, since I resumed actively blogging. I consider this a small milestone. Objectively, my biggest problem has always […]

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November 20, 2009 Hunter Wallace 26

I just turned 29. I’m doing some celebrating tonight and will be away from the computer.

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White Communities

November 17, 2009 Hunter Wallace 18

White Preservationist has an ambitious plan to create White Nationalist colonies throughout the United States. These colonies would disengage from the American mainstream as far as […]

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The Yeast People

November 16, 2009 Hunter Wallace 15

Tanstaafl has been writing lately about James Howard Kunstler’s contempt for ordinary white people. In his latest post, Kunstler takes his rhetoric to a new […]