Those Jobless Claims
BRA Remember the headlines about 7.8 unemployment? The biggest jump in the economy since the early 1980s? Remember how the media and the comedians claimed […]
BRA Remember the headlines about 7.8 unemployment? The biggest jump in the economy since the early 1980s? Remember how the media and the comedians claimed […]
American North Susquehanna Poll (Pennsylvania): Romney 49%, Obama 45% ARG Poll (Ohio): Romney 48%, Obama 47% Note: Obama is clinging to a 1 point lead […]
Salon Here’s the current headline article at Salon: “Tagg Romney, grandson of George Romney, son of Mitt Romney, is the latest flesh-and-blood embodiment of White […]
American North OD has said all along that Yankees are Obama’s base and that the election would be decided in the North: ” What also […]
American South Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman’s 1974 book Time on the Cross: The Economics of Negro Slavery is a mythbusting revisionist tour of […]
New York As expected, the story of the second debate proved to be Crowley’s role as the moderator. We knew going in that Crowley had […]
BRA The White working class “waitress moms” in states like Ohio and Iowa will decide the election: “As the presidential campaign heads into its final […]
American South This information comes from Time on the Cross: The Economics of Negro Slavery: Life Expectancy Did you know that the typical slave born […]
Good news. Former RINO, turned Lib Dem, Jew Senator Arlen Specter has died and joins our worst enemies such as Ted Kennedy to burn in […]
Daily Beast The VP debate failed to “stop the bleeding.”
American South Here’s the average life expectancy at birth for American slaves in 1850 compared to the life expectancy of various “free” populations around the […]
Mississippi This is a great example of why I don’t believe in equality. A picture is worth a thousand words. WDAM.COM – TV 7 – […]
American South Here’s an excellent excerpt from Time on the Cross: The Economics of Negro Slavery which eviscerates the economic argument for the abolition of […]
Georgia Heads up … The Walking Dead Season 3 premieres tonight at 9 PM EST. Note: Merle is coming back. T-Dogg better watch out.
Ohio True story. Even as the polls show Obama slipping across the swing states and falling behind Romney, his aides have pulled him off the […]
AP Duh. “Surviving slavery, segregation and discrimination has forged a special pride in African-Americans. Now some are saying this hard-earned pride has become prejudice in […]
Michigan H/T Charlie LeDuff “BURN is a feature documentary about Detroit, told through the eyes of Detroit firefighters, who are charged with the thankless task […]
Antebellum South Slavery in the United States was nothing compared to the intensity of Cuban slavery where slaves commonly spent as much as 20 hours […]
BRA The Economic Collapse blog wonders how black people might respond to Obama losing in November.
New Hampshire In the contrarian state of New Hampshire, which relishes thumbing its nose at Vermont and Massachusetts, Romney has pulled ahead of Obama in […]
Takimag Joe Biden “won the debate” in the same sense that Chris Matthews, Lawrence O’Donnell, and Ed Schultz win every night in primetime ratings: “There […]
CSA, 1890 AD Andrew Hamilton has another excellent article on the Confederacy at Counter-Currents. While I mostly agree with his conclusions, I want to use […]
Ohio H/T Drudge We’re blowing the dog whistle this morning to remind everyone that Holder’s people are still acting black on public transportation in BRA […]
Kentucky I think Paul Ryan was the clear winner: he was calm, collected, courteous, well prepared, and came across as far more presidential than Joe […]
New World Philip D. Curtin’s The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex is a series of essays about the transnational entity that we have […]
New World In The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex, Philip D. Curtin describes the geographic spread and extent of the slave plantation: “With […]
California Is gas really that high in California? It isn’t nearly that bad in Alabama. ” I thought of my fellow Californian Energy Secretary Steven […]
The Daily Beast Obama blew it big time in the debate: “The Pew poll is devastating, just devastating. Before the debate, Obama had a 51 […]
Illinois Funny stuff … Obama’s legacy could turn out to be ending White guilt, while raising the expectations of the Black Undertow and yet doing […]
BRA As hard as it is to believe, Obama may yet snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory in October: (1) The Republican electorate […]
(Link to Lee Atwater’s Directed Willie Horton Advert) This cursed Presidential election seems to be going on (and on and on) for a little longer, […]
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