Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Call For “Integrated Churches”
In related news, the Southern Baptist Convention is also in the business of peddling Americanism with a cross: Note: As with Pope Francis and the […]
In related news, the Southern Baptist Convention is also in the business of peddling Americanism with a cross: Note: As with Pope Francis and the […]
“The Roman empire did not die any differently, though, it’s true, more slowly, whereas this time we can expect a more sudden conflagration … Christian […]
The SPLC has noticed our latest SECEDE billboard in Harrison, AR. So far, the League has put up four of these SECEDE billboards in Tallahassee, […]
John Archibald has a thought provoking article at Al.com this afternoon: Are we American? Or just Alabamian? “The question is simple. Are we Americans? Or […]
Why not? Note: As the SPLC has already pointed out, the League has an anonymous donor who is willing to match up to $10,000 in […]
I know, I know … lots of Jew stuff here lately, but this one is so over the top that I can’t let it pass […]
After spending $33 million dollars to stir up the “Ferguson” movement in the United States, George Soros is teaming up with Bernard-Henri Lévy to demand […]
Since we are already at the stage where homosexual marriage has been declared a “fundamental right,” why shouldn’t European Jews demand the “right” to be […]
It seems like we just spent most of last week here discussing the nature of liberal republican governments and whether or not they are plagued […]
Interesting read: “When Oregon was granted statehood in 1859, it was the only state in the Union admitted with a constitution that forbade black people […]
Here’s another thought provoking excerpt from Robert Middlekauff’s The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789. This excerpt is about the failure of a Jewish naturalization bill […]
Here’s an important excerpt from Robert Middlekauff’s The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789: “In this environment conventional wisdom came to hold that plots and […]
H/T SNN Here’s a write up of the League of the South’s participation in the recent Lee-Jackson Day festivities in Lexington: “League of the South […]
Since we are celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday in the United States, today would be an appropriate occasion to remind everyone […]
There’s nothing about the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. that I or anyone else in the blogosphere will be sharing this afternoon that can top […]
Red Phillips has written an article in response to the debate over republicanism we are having on this website, and which has come up many […]
It sure is a great thing that we are so blessed to live in a “republic” with a Supreme Court that has a 5-4 “conservative […]
This isn’t a Jewish conspiracy, but it reads like something out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Ferguson, and the broader anti-police movement […]
“Selma,” the Hollywood fairytale produced by Oprah Winfrey and Brad Pitt, is now playing in theaters. I don’t have any plans to see the movie. No […]
SNN has a new video about how US conservatives are living in the past:
I know that I am wasting my breath here (prepare to be sidetracked into all the points on which we differ from PEGIDA), but if […]
Update: Dyar Outdoors has taken down the billboard. I heard about this the other day on Twitter, but I assumed this new billboard had gone […]
Hats off to Glenn Greenwald for having the temerity to point out the rank hypocrisy in the “mainstream” response to the Charlie Hebdo massacre. There […]
H/T CofCC In France, Charlie Hebdo was notorious for trashing Christianity and Islam in its cartoons, but in 2008 one of its cartoonists, Maurice Sinet, […]
An OD classic – rest assured there are so many of our kinsmen in France tonight ready to get down and dirty. While we are […]
While the attention of the world is focused on the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo in Paris, I think it is worth bringing up here the […]
Two days ago, The Atlantic published a ridiculous article that really hit home with me: How White Flight Ravaged the Mississippi Delta. The article blames […]
Do you remember the time that angry Muslim slashed the throat of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands in 2004? Here’s the latest […]
This Politico article is a great example of why I don’t believe in Jewish conspiracy theories. A “conspiracy” is a secret plot to do something harmful. There […]
In hindsight, 2014 was a year that was utterly dominated by my life offline, whether it was due to work, family, or traveling to attend […]
Geordie was standing up in his crib this morning: Note: I’m going to spend New Year’s Day eating some good food, watching some games with […]
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