Republicans Start Condemning Trump’s Racist Remarks
David French rallies conservative liberals in a courageous assault on Trump’s racism
David French rallies conservative liberals in a courageous assault on Trump’s racism
Humanity is at the edge of a revolution driven by artificial intelligence
They’re anti-Semitic, folks! Israel feels abandoned by the Democrats! They should apologize to the people of Israel who they talk about like they are a bunch of thugs!
The killer posted pictures of her body on his Instagram
Enjoy a Philly Cheesesteak without worrying about the carbs
Immigrants have earned their right to be here while natives are here due to an accident of birth
Antifa celebrate their “first martyr in the war against ICE”
Blompf isn’t a White Nationalist. He is a Zionist
Huey Long and the Populist uprising that conquered Louisiana
The wristflapping begins as Cuck Panic sweeps through the precincts of mainstream conservatism
Yes, #PrideMonth wasn’t enough for these people
The Great Awokening continues to transform Hollywood
In the Jim Crow South, Whites and blacks had their own spaces
She’s a shitholer, folks! Somalia is a complete and total catastrophe! Why doesn’t she go back to her corrupt, totally broken, crime-infested African wasteland? She can’t leave the United States of America fast enough!
What are the ideological origins of the American Revolution?
Soul Food is surprisingly compatible with a low-carb or Keto diet
Everyone is joking about True Conservatism these days
He’s weak, ineffective and stupid!
If right liberalism conserves nothing, what use is it?
Watch Old Glory be replaced by the Mexican flag
The king of the manlets is fed up with the American woman and isn’t going to take the bullying anymore
What did the Confederates really believe about race? Let’s find out
Who are the Yankees? What are their origins?
A comparison of the historical development of the New England and Chesapeake colonies
In 1861, the South had to secede from Black Republicanism to prevent the Africanization of Dixie
Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Democrat. The Democrats R Real Racists. Therefore, Nathan Bedford Forrest should not have a state holiday in Tennessee
The Black Vests are demanding an amnesty for illegal aliens. Marine Le Pen says they have to go back
How do you do cardio in the unbearable heat of the Southern sun in the middle of summer? You need to do it in the shade
What does Western civilization have to do with White people, anyway?
Is FALC your ticket to the White ethnostate?
A new McKinsey Global report predicts that 40% of American jobs will shrink between now and 2030
Know this … America STANDS with Israel!
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