Reports: Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, and Goldman Sachs Subvert #MAGA
It would be a Jewish conspiracy theory for the ages
It would be a Jewish conspiracy theory for the ages
American-Israeli dual citizen arrested for making threats to Jewish centers
PewDiePie continues to ignore taboos
Juan Thompson used to write for The Intercept
Blood and Soil Nationalism is never “good for the Jews”
Since we are already at the stage where homosexual marriage has been declared a “fundamental right,” why shouldn’t European Jews demand the “right” to be […]
Hats off to Glenn Greenwald for having the temerity to point out the rank hypocrisy in the “mainstream” response to the Charlie Hebdo massacre. There […]
H/T CofCC In France, Charlie Hebdo was notorious for trashing Christianity and Islam in its cartoons, but in 2008 one of its cartoonists, Maurice Sinet, […]
Leftist Lib Dem NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s is now arguing that Conservatives shouldn’t be allowed to exist in the state of New York. Governor Cuomo […]
Our (getting very) old friend Al Sharpton is up to his old tricks inciting Black mobs to murder and mayhem, pushing lying, deceitful stories about […]
Occidental Dissent Classic 15th Century Spain – Muslims, Jews and Our Guys I was bicycling in a former Chicago neighborhood I grew up in – […]
Alabama This is why we need to splinter off and work towards the goal of creating our own Christian nation-state in Dixie. Instead of sinking ourselves […]
Israel Uncle Tim supports “Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions” against Israel for its oppression of the Palestinians:
Florida Al Sharpton demands “justice” for the hooded thug Trayvon Martin who violently assaulted George Zimmerman and attempted to beat the neighborhood watch captain to […]
New York Menachem Z. Rosensaft has penned a screed at The Huffington Post about Peter Brimelow’s appearance at CPAC and how White Nationalism is “the […]
Israel Why can’t Mike Huckabee say we must prostrate ourselves before Israel and start World War III in the Middle East because a bunch of […]
Iran Newt Gingrich openly tells CNN that he wants to go to war with Iran for the benefit of Israel. This is not a fringe […]
Washington Jim Hardie is a Northern White man and unemployed Iraq War veteran who is using public transportation in Lacey, Washington to search for a job […]
Update: Part 2 of The Puppet Master is on right now. Glenn Beck has been hyping a show of his called “The Puppet Master.” It […]
The New Anti-Semitism is on the march in America… I love the media’s utmost concern for protecting this adult woman’s identity and treating it like […]
Black Panthers mock the Holocaust and reduce a Jewish man to tears. The Jew explains, “I am on your side.” Priceless. Another hilarious one:
I often get asked the question by people who are starting to get to know me as a person: ‘why are you an anti-Semite?’ Of […]
Ian Jobling shut down his website White America yesterday. This brings to a close a three year attempt by Jobling to create a more full […]
Myths play a critical role in establishing patterns of thought which, if ingrained during the impressionable childhood years, play a decisive role in determining adult […]
A few days ago, I wrote a blog entry about this subject, but never got around to posting it. I’ve made a conscious effort this […]
This would get White Nationalist attention: Chief Rabbi Jacob Stern, leader of Los Angeles’ Jewish community, made the comments as Arizona passed a bill which […]
The griefers deserve a bonus for doing their job this week: Steve Sailer is directly discussing Jewish power and their abuse of that power. For […]
As many of you know, Jeffrey Imm issued an open challenge to White Nationalists to show up at his scheduled event in Kenyon Park in Washington, […]
Eric Dondero, a Libertarian Republican blogger, found and commented on my article about Ben Stein calling Dr. Paul an anti-Semite. His comment didn’t reference a […]
Larry King hosted a discussion between Ben Stein and Ron Paul on Monday that was ostensibly about the airline security fiasco. The discussion quickly turned […]
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