Saving Democracy = Digital Platform Censorship
Can Big Tech be trusted with monopoly power?
Can Big Tech be trusted with monopoly power?
Procter & Gamble made the pods look too damn delicious to resist
Orrin Hatch set to propose more than doubling H-1B visas
We’re the Happy Warrior
We’re on the road to Pottersville
Donor class has learned nothing from the demise of Jeb!
They’ve sowed the seeds of the whirlwind
Liberalism is a cultural disease
Neoliberalism is wrecking our country
We need less conventional thinking
Corporate capitalism is no friend of ours
My journey towards the Alt-Right started as a teenager. Growing up in the violent, dysfunctional dystopia that is any half-black city, I never really had […]
Pepsi stumbles with Kendall Jenner ad
The mainstream has its own ideal of progress
Are you thirsting for multiculturalism?
None of this comes as any surprise. Here in Alabama, Big Poultry produces and sells over a billion chickens annually. It is a $15 billion […]
Barbados I’ve come across this phrase “beyond the line” several times during my research and have begun to realize its immense importance to understanding how […]
Sierra Leone As Stephen Drescher observes in The Mighty Experiment, the total failure of free society in Sierra Leone, a free labor colony in West […]
New World In Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of New World Slavery, David Brion Davis sets the American South within the international context of […]
Amurrica Morris Berman is the author of “Why America Failed: The Roots of American Decline,” “Dark Age America: The Final Phase of Empire,” and “The […]
Alabama It is another bright summer day in the Sunny South. Philosopher King is working overtime to cover “the debt ceiling crisis” unfolding in Washington […]
Wall Street “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay […]
CNBC The Roman Senator moment …
Georgia I’m watching MSNBC talk about the White kids who robbed the bank to get the Federal Reserve dollars in Georgia. I’ve done nothing but […]
Virginia The Washington Post has a new story about rural poverty in Southwest Virginia. Pulaski, Virginia is an Appalachian town of about 9,000 people. Whites […]
It’s been only a couple months since the White Advocacy community was stunned by the organized terror campaign that destroyed our biennial American Renaissance conference. […]
I have a long time friend from Georgia who is a very solid and loyal White advocate. I can tell he feels our dispossession and […]
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