Romney Won’t Revoke Obama DREAM Act Amnesty
Colorado Some people are saying that we have no choice but to vote for Mitt Romney: Note: I can think of plenty of other things […]
Colorado Some people are saying that we have no choice but to vote for Mitt Romney: Note: I can think of plenty of other things […]
BRA Porter found this on Mitt Romney’s website: Israel: “Israel’s existence as a Jewish state is not up for debate.” America: “(America) is not a […]
BRA Mitt Romney had Marco Rubio as the keynote speaker at the GOP convention, picked Paul Ryan as his VP who has one of the […]
BRA Romney’s reaction to the Arizona ruling and Obama’s criminal DREAM Act amnesty coupled with trotting out the discredited virtual fence, ignoring the Chick-fil-A buycott, […]
Australia More good news. Our Australian kinsmen have passed strong legislation ending illegal immigration smuggling in to Australia. The New York Times reports: “The lower […]
South Carolina H/T Kosher Republic Maybe these people are reading Occidental Dissent and Southern Nationalist Network? Obama’s military is preparing to go to see with […]
California H/T Via Meadia Walter Russell Mead links to the latest New York Times article on The Day The Criminals Were Released From Prison in […]
California H/T Vox I can’t say that I blame the Mexicans in Los Angeles for booing the U.S. team for the umpteenth time … why […]
Amurrica How much is it worth to be an Amurrican? Now we have a dollar figure. “The Obama administration will formally begin granting some young […]
California Victor Davis Hanson is The Road Warrior in Mexifornia … funny stuff. “George Miller’s 1981 post-apocalyptic film The Road Warrior envisioned an impoverished world […]
Dixie Foreigners have the “civil right” to invade America and flagrantly break our laws: Note: Maybe they will stop in South Carolina where Carl Roden […]
District of Corruption Unbelievable … no, completely believable. Note: It seems that Drudge is covering immigration stories now.
North Carolina I know we have a lot of readers in North Carolina. I also know how terrible the illegal alien problem has become in […]
California Here’s the bitter fruit of the Immigration Act of 1965, the IRCA amnesty of 1984, the Immigration Act of 1990, and decades of neglecting […]
BRA If you are not a disunionist by now, you will be soon enough. Four more years of Obama Africanus I and the bottom will […]
Arizona H/T Kosher Republic Yes. Today. Arizona can either secede or become California. Take your choice: revolution, serfdom, or secession. “How much does one state […]
Arizona Why not go all the way? “If Jack Biltis has way, Arizonans may soon get to pick and choose which U.S. laws they don’t […]
California As California goes bankrupt, the pandering to illegal aliens continues … surely, this will provoke a federal lawsuit. /sarc “SACRAMENTO (Reuters) – The California […]
District of Corruption He uses July 4th to push for “comprehensive immigration reform.” Note: The lesson of these 236 years is clear. The Revolution increasingly […]
California Rah, Rah, ‘Murika. “(Reuters) – While America’s debate over immigration has been dominated recently by crackdowns in states like Arizona and Alabama, California legislators […]
Arizona Here’s an unusually clear eyed article from Andrew McCarthy at National Review on the Arizona decision: “Justice Antonin Scalia, in a characteristically electrifying dissent, […]
Arizona I was genuinely surprised to see a pretty compelling case for disunion at National Review of all places: “You’re an American citizen living in […]
District of Corruption Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois lays out the case for the dissolution of the Union:
District of Corruption H/T VDARE Guess who is trying to block the Obama amnesty in Congress? Once again, Dixie is doing virtually all the heavy […]
Arizona I think we may be witnessing a historic moment: a total collapse in the legitimacy of the two-party system, the federal government, “mainstream” conservatism, […]
Arizona He was reportedly on the scene in Arizona this morning: “Today’s decision underscores the need for a president who will lead on this critical […]
District of Corruption A few months ago, a group of states filed amicus curiae briefs with the Supreme Court in support of the Obama administration’s […]
District of Corruption The Supreme Court gutted SB 1070 this morning. In a 5-3 decision (Kennedy, Roberts, Breyer, Ginsberg, Sotomayor), it struck down everything but […]
United States H/T Federale The virtual farce. “Boots on the ground.” Lifting immigration caps to expand legal immigration in a depression. Mitt promises to sign […]
Dixie This is another reason why I am pleased by the decline of the Southern Baptists: “The National Association of Evangelicals, which represents more than […]
Dixie (1) Obama’s election – In 2008, Obama lost Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and West Virginia. If […]
California The “mighty, mighty students” are “fighting for justice” in California: Note: This is the price we pay for the preservation of the Union: a […]
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