Russian Embassy Trolls The Lügenpresse With Pepe
“Holy shit, this is actually happening”
“Holy shit, this is actually happening”
The tweetstorm behind the Left’s collective meltdown
Cool it with the sanctimony
From shattering the glass ceiling to drool cup
This is great news for us
Californians want to secede from the Union
It is “un-Minnesotan” to oppose refugee resettlement
Populism vs. Neo-Liberalism
1/2 of Trump supporters are a “Basket of Deplorables”
Progressives snubbed for another free trade moderate
WikiLeaks exposes massive corruption within the DNC
The latest headlines from Europe
The Constitution is a dead letter
Bernie Sanders’ political revolution isn’t the future of the Democratic Party
Blacks and Hispanics couldn’t #FeelTheBern
White privilege on the Left is silencing violent non-White resistance
Tribalism for me, but not for thee
Joan Walsh drops the “you’re a White male”
The one-party system has failed the White middle class
Whites benefit from an “ocean of white privilege”
Some diverse schools are too black
Criminal justice reform or gentrified urban neighborhoods
National Review has a nuanced take on pedophilia
The Donald takes taxes off the table
The second coming of Rachel Dolezal
It ain’t that great anymore
The Atlantic calls out the SJWs
The freak show rides again
The Dutch experiment with plural families
Black writer John McWhorter dissects America’s national faith
ESPN’s Colin Cowherd becomes second Paula Deen this weekend
Love wins
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