Stuff Libertarians Hate
A contribution to the Libertarianism is Poison thread at VNN Forum. #1. The Passenger Pigeon Consider the fate of the passenger pigeon. It was once […]
A contribution to the Libertarianism is Poison thread at VNN Forum. #1. The Passenger Pigeon Consider the fate of the passenger pigeon. It was once […]
In the AP, liberals worry that ‘racism’ is losing its currency: The word is being sprayed in all directions, creating a hall of mirrors that […]
This is an important milestone. In the last four months, Occidental Dissent has come a long way from the dead site it was a few […]
1.) Why do I spend so much time writing about race? 2.) Why do I vigorously defend White Nationalism? 3.) Why do I hold such […]
The “godfather of neoconservatism” is dead. In Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea, Kristol wrote how he was taught as a child “to hate the […]
Yesterday, I did something completely out of character. Out of curiosity, I watched the Glenn Beck show on the Fox News Channel. I had to […]
David A. Love (negro) is dishonestly lumping together White Nationalists with the militias, birthers, tea baggers, corporate lobbyists, and Minutemen into a generalized MARs movement against […]
Maureen Dowd has yet another column at the New York Times celebrating Joe Wilson’s slapdown in the House and browbeating White Southern Republicans as racists. […]
Until this morning, I had never bothered to visit Little Green Footballs, a worthless neocon website by reputation. I had only heard about Lawrence Auster, Robert Stacy McCain, […]
Here’s the YouTube trailer of Revealing Hate, which I stumbled upon at The Nation, an upcoming liberal cartoon documentary about the “white supremacist world.” The film […]
If you’re from the Mossad, AIPAC, ADL, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Simon Weisenthal Center, SPLC, or the JDL and happen to monitor ‘anti-Semitic’ […]
“Banal White Nationalism” is a concept used by the anti-Confederate, SPLC affiliated activist Edward Sebesta. He uses it to describe White Americans with a vague, unarticulated […]
Lee John Barnes, the British National Party’s Legal Director, has a few choice words for White Nationalists. At Majority Rights, this has invited a flurry […]
From 1933 to 1939, Winston Churchill spent the better part of his ‘Wilderness Years’ (when he was out of power) creating an intense polarization between the […]
At Takimag, Canadian paleocon Grant Havers chides Adolf Hitler for misunderstanding Britain and condemns the Third Reich as “an untrustworthy and murderous regime.” In a […]
This should come as no surprise: the Orwellian “Commission for Equality & Human Rights” is attempting to crush the BNP, and the party now has […]
In preparation for the debate over British liberalism, I have been reading a number of sources about pre-war Britain and the road to war. I’m working […]
At VDARE, Pat Buchanan asks the shrieking anti-Natzees a few tough questions, which they will undoubtedly ignore. It was Great Britain that transformed a local […]
Michael O’Meara has a new entry in his debate with GuessedWorker over myth and empiricism. He continues to stress that we are in a new […]
At White America, Ian Jobling continues his flirtation with Rawlsian liberalism, which for some bizarre reason he sees as an ideal candidate for a pro-White […]
GuessedWorker has a new contribution to the myth debate. It is based on this article by Madeline Bunting which addresses the political implications of new research […]
Paul Gottfried (Jew) weighs in on the Kaufmann vs. MacDonald debate and blames Anglo-Protestants for the self loathing version of multiculturalism. I can’t say that I agree with […]
Hurrah! The awful SOB is finally gone. Just heard the news. I’m going to take a pause from my Churchill project to celebrate and savor […]
Since 2006, when I launched the first version of Occidental Dissent, I have said repeatedly that this website would be focused on North America. With […]
At VDARE, Pat Buchanan writes: When a democracy reaches a point where the politicians cannot say no to the people, and both parties are competing […]
So Glenn Beck called Barack Obama a “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people,” and 33 of his cowardly advertisers pulled their commercials from […]
OneSTDV has another thread up about the White ethnostate. A number of different issues are considered. Here are my thoughts: The proposed micro-state would be […]
At Majority Rights, I am arguing with Dan Dare over whether or not Winston Churchill was an asset or liability to the West. My position […]
OneSTDV, one of the more reasonable HBD bloggers, has a post up asking whether or not a White Nationalist ethnostate can be justified. Personally, he […]
At Majority Rights, Desmond Jones has argued that “There was no broad transformation of racial attitudes post WWII.” My response: Reviewing trend data on whites’ […]
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