The Real Deal
Georgia Georgia is a state that I know well. My family is originally from Central Georgia. I have lots of relatives on the other side […]
Georgia Georgia is a state that I know well. My family is originally from Central Georgia. I have lots of relatives on the other side […]
The Border I just want to drop a few newslinks for the gallery before signing off. The news cycle is moving so fast that I […]
Virginia Virginia is a state that was cracking down on immigration before it was cool. As most Virginians know, Prince William County has been enforcing […]
Massachusetts and Rhode Island Elections have consequences. I have hammered away at that theme for almost four months now. In some parts of the country, […]
Tennessee A Republican lawmaker in Tennessee has been receiving a lot of criticism for politically incorrect comments he recently made about illegal aliens. Rep. Curry […]
Arizona Over the past week, I have spent a lot of time exploring the divide within the White Nationalist movement between the “mainstreamer” and “vanguardist” […]
Birmingham, AL I bought of copy of George W. Bush’s new book Decision Points this afternoon. Eventually, I plan to write a review. Bush was […]
Wisconsin In the last two threads, we took a look at Texas and Iowa where the 2010 midterm elections has changed the game on immigration. […]
Iowa Iowa was the state that launched Barack Obama on the road to the White House. In 2008, Obama won the Hawkeye State with 53 […]
Battleground America The midterm elections are less than a week away. With that in mind, I would be negligent not to point out that there […]
(Editor’s Note: Secession Week will resume tomorrow. I’ve come across a few interesting news items that I would like to share and discuss today.) Red […]
Washington, DC In a successful defensive stand, Red America defeated the DREAM Act in the Senate this afternoon. If the DREAM Act had passed Congress, […]
In August, I took a look at how a debate over “birthright citizenship” was emerging in the mainstream. A few years ago, ending “birthright citizenship” […]
Orange County, California. In The New York Times, Adam Nagourney has a gushing new column about the decline of conservatism in Orange County, the birthplace […]
The 2010 election cycle is likely to go down in history as the “year of the outsider.” Establishment politicians have been defeated in primaries across America. The […]
The NSM thread paints an extremely bleak portrait of our fortunes in Tennessee. A casual visitor of this site who watches those two videos reaches […]
Yesterday, the NSM and their local supporters held their “Stand in the South” protest in Knoxville, Tennessee. This protest was widely advertised on OD and […]
I’ve followed the immigration debate for several years now. Much has changed in that time. Lately, the change seems to be accelerating. Five years ago, […]
Laying around my hotel room, I finally got around to reading Mark Steyn’s America Alone, a book which my friend Gregory Hood has been urging […]
Like most White Nationalists, I was looking forward to seeing John McCain defeated in the Arizona Republican Primary. McCain tried for years to shove “comprehensive […]
While the NAACP and the liberal blogosphere have a conniption fit over the so-called “racism” of the Tea Party, a lovely group called the “Brown […]
The scum of the earth is assembling in Boston to protest Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona. I was forwarded this message from Daniel Smeriglio on […]
The Obama administration has sued Arizona to block enforcement of SB 1070. This move is calculated to set a precedent that will stop other states […]
Since my post earlier this evening offended most, I deleted it. Apparently, I have issues. Duly noted. Since my own words have failed me today, […]
First they bring Somalis to northern New England, and then they get all touchy when Somalis continue their well known cultural practices such as forced […]
Imagine 2050 wants the National Guard deployed to Arizona to protect illegal aliens and drug traffickers from “organized racism” and “border vigilantes.” In their words, […]
Poetic justice happens Crash test for dummies By Michael Graham Tuesday, May 25, 2010 – Added 23h ago + Recent Articles + Bio E-mail Print […]
Hunter Wallace investigates what A Day Without Mexicans is really like: any other ordinary day in Virginia. Hunter Wallace dines at a Mexican restaurant on […]
Much controversy was recently sparked due to the first ever annual “Draw Muhammad Day”, taking place earlier this week on the 20th. The organisers of […]
I don’t know if Fox News has ever promoted VDARE before. It sure would have helped if they had done so years ago. VDARE is […]
I’ve long despised William Gheen of ALIPAC. For several years now, I have considered ALIPAC a cancer on the body of the immigration reform movement, […]
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