Jewish Power: Campaign Contributions
Guy White is screaming across the blogosphere this morning that the poor, pitiful, misunderstood Jews are the victims of a vicious anti-Semitic blood libel: that Jews “donate 60% […]
Guy White is screaming across the blogosphere this morning that the poor, pitiful, misunderstood Jews are the victims of a vicious anti-Semitic blood libel: that Jews “donate 60% […]
Guy White has resorted to whining about how the evil anti-Semites are demanding he meet an “impossible” standard in his Jewish power series. In fact, […]
Guy White is doing a series on Jewish power. In light of his well known tendency to censor his critics, I will be running a series of […]
Hat tip: Tanstaafl. An excellent post by Steve Sailer has revealed that 50% of America’s most influential pundits are Jews. As Tanstaafl notes, the list understates […]
Here’s another reason to love our Jewish friends: A majority of American Jews support military action against Iran to prevent the Teheran regime from obtaining […]
Surfing the blogosphere, I stumbled upon The West’s Darkest Hour, a blog written by a TOQ Online reader and Lawrence Auster fan who has some […]
The “godfather of neoconservatism” is dead. In Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea, Kristol wrote how he was taught as a child “to hate the […]
If you’re from the Mossad, AIPAC, ADL, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Simon Weisenthal Center, SPLC, or the JDL and happen to monitor ‘anti-Semitic’ […]
OneSTDV, one of the more reasonable HBD bloggers, has a post up asking whether or not a White Nationalist ethnostate can be justified. Personally, he […]
The latest exchange can be found at VDARE. As I stated in the previous thread, I incline towards the view that the Northern Anglo-Protestant elite committed […]
A few hours ago, I arrived home from Florida and fired up the computer. Over the past three days, nasal philo-Semitic race realists from the Northeast […]
Lawrence Auster has made a passing reference to this site. As for being a “fifth column” within the American racialist movement (not my usage), I […]
Is America better off on account of Jewish influence? Some facts and figures … Jews are … – … owners of America’s most influential newspaper, […]
An excerpt from Henry L. Feingold’s Jewish Power in America (2008) : Since the turn of the twentieth century, the Jewish agenda has grown more […]
Homicide or Suicide? In the Occidental Observer, Kevin MacDonald engages Eric P. Kaufmann’s The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, which is easily the second most […]
Richard Cohen (Jew), the president of the SPLC, has started a campaign to get CNN to take Lou Dobbs off the air for “promoting racial […]
James Howard Kunstler’s paranoia about ordinary White folks is segueing over into his writing again. In the latest example, he trembles at the thought that a […]
Guy White is nursing the delusion that Jared Taylor is “more philo-Semitic” than he is; this after his last bloodthirsty fantasy thread about gunning down Nazis. He […]
He is the vile Jew that directed the fake Sprite ad that has gone viral around the net. This is worst piece of Jewish filth that […]
In the New York Times, Frank Rich (Jew) is foaming at the mouth with venom, and unleashes a two-minute-hate against the White race over the Sotomayor […]
I logged on this morning to discover that Guy White had left us a present in the comments. He seems rather irate over the brief […]
Guy White is toying around with the strange notion that Jews are “particularly bad” at politics. This one is sure to elicit uproarious rounds of […]
Jews — Britney Spears is converting to Judaism. If William Pierce were still alive, he would probably use this as an example to illustrate Jewish control of […]
Regarding your recent series of posts: I’m wondering if you were somehow abducted by aliens who managed to swap your brain with mine of about […]
I saw the preview to this last night while watching the new Star Trek movie. I expect your reaction will be the same as mine. […]
Briefly Noted Why has Lawrence Auster been such a vehement critic of liberalism over the past twenty years? At VFR, I am delighted to see […]
Briefly Noted Apparently, the purpose of organizing the “Preserving Western Civilization” conference was specifically to create a forum for the discussion of racial differences which […]
Auster has a new thread up at VFR attacking Lindsay Wheeler and the other “anti-Semites” at Majority Rights. It’s an instructive example of a trait we […]
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