The Children of Ash: Cosmology and the Viking Universe
What did the Vikings actually believe?
What did the Vikings actually believe?
Ramzpaul’s forecast for the 2020s
The collapse of Roman civilization in Britain
Jews are calling it a state of emergency
The “civil rights icon” could finally be gone in 2020
The neoliberal era began in 1979
Liberals are clarifying their relationship with Christianity
Why should liberalism be saved?
The Indo-European expansion into Northern Europe
Don’t let your life become consuming the next product
The definition of “hate speech” is rejecting liberal orthodoxy
Liberal Westerners are teaching homosexuality and miscegenation to their youth
The blood and soil struggle to create a unified English nation
Is English a West Germanic or North Germanic language?
The City That Bleeds is more violent than ever
Who were the Vikings? How did they shape Western Christendom?
Brexit, the environment and wokeness
The choice is clear: there isn’t a choice under oligarchy
The roots of the English trace back across the North Sea
I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas/Yule season. I am. Here’s some beautiful Christmas music by the outstanding Celtic singer Loreena McKennit. The Song is […]
Alfred the Great, Æthelstan and the unification of England
Merry Christmas from Occidental Dissent!
Is populist nationalism the return of fascism?
A look back at when the Vikings dominated Northern Europe
Neoliberalism is giving way to National Oligarchy
The Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain
The Roman painted their statutes
The conversion of the Anglo-Saxons in Early Medieval Britain
Robyn Riley and Dr. Edward Dutton discuss the decline of Western civilization
Plants make airborne sounds when stressed
Boris Johnson and Donald Trump wish you a Happy Hannukah
Labour is no longer the party of the working class
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