King George III and the American Revolution
King George III’s perspective on the American Revolution
King George III’s perspective on the American Revolution
Small business owners are being given Social Justice ratings after being terrorized by the Black Klan
It would be a miracle if it didn’t
Antifa burn a literal pig’s head in effigy
The Saints are above engaging with unclean people
“Democracy” died a long time ago in the darkness
Why does extremism recur throughout history?
John Lewis passes the torch
The New York Times invites White America to become South Africa
Why shouldn’t we redefine racism too?
The West has been through four modern historical cycles
The eternal Gen Xer
Do you have trust in anything anymore?
Simpothy McVeigh has been caught by 4chan firebombing the federal courthouse in Portland
The Portland riots are objectively “an assault on the government of the United States.”
Conservative liberalism is waning in the face of brutal facts
The final Boomer leaders will be authoritarian, severe, unyielding
Karl Marx has a complicated relationship with wokeness
Black Lives Matter gets a cold reception
Conservative liberals deserve to lose
A grim new milestone has been passed
Violence returns us to might makes right
Sports is now a virtue signaling pageant
White Nationalists focused on immigration
The true reason America is burning says something about our elites
Will the Baby Boomers destroy America?
The vortex of cancel culture is now swallowing lots of pompous hypocrites
Requiem for the straight White Western male
This is great for us
Bon voyage, John Lewis
Garrett Foster (was/were) now Rests In Power
Consensus Antiracism has plunged America into a new Crisis
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