The engineered obsolescence of the American people
A liberal writer named Michael Lind has ventured into the horrifying implications of economic globalism and the accompanying theology of aracial one-worldism. We are living […]
A liberal writer named Michael Lind has ventured into the horrifying implications of economic globalism and the accompanying theology of aracial one-worldism. We are living […]
Whites thirst for even a little bit of racial identity to be allowed. We’d pay for it ourselves. We would take it even without tax […]
Senator Jim Webb pens a historic article in the Wall Street Journal Diversity and the Myth of White Privilege America still owes a debt to […]
I am very impressed with Tom Baugh, an Annapolis grad and Desert Storm veteran who wrote “Starving the Monkeys” and appeared on the Political Cesspool. […]
The Holodomor was a government sponsored starvation and murder of the Ukrainian nation in 1932-1933, killing an estimated 7 million to 11 million Ukrainians. It […]
If the handwringing in the below is true, it means stories like that of Tracy Hedgepath and Austen Minter will soon be over. It means […]
If any readers of the Charlotte Observer want to comment on the murder of white female Tracy Hedgepath at the hands of her African-American paramour […]
Given the deagriculturalization and deindustrialization of the USA, we find ourselves no longer able to take for granted basic material survival. There are already millions […]
The Gulf Oil Disaster is destroying a huge foodshed of seafood and a unique ecology. There will be massive human displacement from the shore of […]
A mob of hundreds of African-Americans, whom we should all judge by the content of their character of course, apparently thought it would be amusing […]
I don’t know if this video is real or edited, but its hilarious: While the anti-white Left is desperately trying to maintain the power of […]
Imagine if the Tea Parties explicitly said, “look how we here are all White. Only White people care about the Constitution.” They don’t do that, […]
So I met the Tea Party, at long last! At least a branch of it. A branch, however, that made the recent SPLC’s oxymoronic“intelligence report”
What do antibiotics, Roundup, and the Mandatory Diversity regime have in common? They are blunt force instruments, and they work really well, for a while. […]
Internet rumor whispers about Obama getting a “kill switch” for the Internet itself. The Florida based preacher, Chuck Baldwin, pens an article “the Internet must […]
Before we can win back our sovereign White nation, we have to spend some time as outsiders. The reason it is so important to become […]
I was listening to the local neocon commercial talk station, wxlm.fm and there was an ad for Sean Hannity. He played the following quote from […]
Addendum 2 from an interview with John Robb Unlike a failed state like Somalia (utter chaos), a hollow state still retains the facade of a […]
I came up with a definition of Mind-Weaponization: The single-minded pursuit of hegemony. Hegemony is the leftist term for political power/social influence, and it’s always […]
Edit: For the Roissy-haters who don’t comprehend the subtext of the Roissy phenomenon. Sexual libertinism is how he illustrates the power-relation between the sexes, and […]
Forget arguing with liberals. Point out that liberalism is about the subordination of men, and it is happening in real life, everyday, all around you. […]
Reading Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together,” I found it interesting how the Provisional Government of the February Revolution (Kerensky) managed to raise millions of roubles […]
Kevin Costner is proving to be the man of the hour, with his oil-water separator, a video of which is at this link. He didn’t […]
If anybody can find on youtube the scene where Thulsa Doom, played by James Earl Jones, snaps his finger, and a young white girl jumps […]
I was not able to embed this video, but the link to the video is here Sarah reads aloud from her new book, “The Bedwetter,” […]
My town might close its public library. A lot of stuff is shutting down around here. The derelict mills stand as memorials to a murdered […]
First they bring Somalis to northern New England, and then they get all touchy when Somalis continue their well known cultural practices such as forced […]
This interview came out really well. My idea of Mind-Weaponization is fleshed out better than ever.
I have managed to distill my ideas into three ethos that will be the practical foundation of White Nationalism 2.0. 1. The Culture of Learning. […]
Poetic justice happens Crash test for dummies By Michael Graham Tuesday, May 25, 2010 – Added 23h ago + Recent Articles + Bio E-mail Print […]
I don’t know if Fox News has ever promoted VDARE before. It sure would have helped if they had done so years ago. VDARE is […]
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