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Evolution Happens

July 2, 2010 Kievsky 10

What do antibiotics, Roundup, and the Mandatory Diversity regime have in common? They are blunt force instruments, and they work really well, for a while. […]

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Mind-Weaponization Defined

June 20, 2010 Kievsky 35

I came up with a definition of Mind-Weaponization: The single-minded pursuit of hegemony. Hegemony is the leftist term for political power/social influence, and it’s always […]

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Liberalism Feminizes Men

June 15, 2010 Kievsky 38

Forget arguing with liberals. Point out that liberalism is about the subordination of men, and it is happening in real life, everyday, all around you. […]

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May 22, 2010 Kievsky 130

I came up with an original concept that I termed “Mind-War,” and “mind weaponization” and wrote a few articles about it last winter. Since then […]