Live Thread: BRA’s State of the Union 2013
District of Corruption In his 2013 State of the Union Address, Obama announced that he is working on the “Trans-Pacific Partnership” free trade agreement and […]
District of Corruption In his 2013 State of the Union Address, Obama announced that he is working on the “Trans-Pacific Partnership” free trade agreement and […]
Dixie As House and Senate Democrats move forward with gun control legislation today in the 113th Congress, it is worth reflecting on why the Scots-Irish who […]
District of Corruption As one might have expected, the Republicans kicked off 2013 by caving on the “fiscal cliff” in Washington. Here’s the House vote on […]
District of Corruption As we celebrate Christmas, let us reflect upon the fact that it was DWLs (Disingenuous White Liberals) like Chris Matthews and Sam […]
California The latest Victor Davis Hanson column is why Sam Francis called mainstream conservatives “Beautiful Losers”: “There is a different sort of racialist derangement spreading […]
South Carolina How embarrassing. After the election, I pretty much wrote off the GOP anyway when every Republican talking head embraced amnesty for illegal aliens. […]
The Blaze He says the “connecting dot” is BRA’s Constitution: Note: This is why it is a waste of your time to get involved with […]
District of Corruption Two more Yankees of Irish Catholic background give their take on White Christian conservatives:
Dixie H/T Jackson and Pat DiLorenzo on secession: “The U.S. has become one giant plunder-seeking society whereby the “net tax consumers” now outnumber the “net […]
Maryland Thom Hartmann already had Palmetto Patriot on this afternoon. Matthew Heimbach is coming up at 7:15 EST. Listen here.
Puerto Rico If Puerto Rico can vote to join, why can’t Texas and Alabama vote to leave? “San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN) — After more than […]
Florida It was Romney losing the election. Note: David Duke was saying it back in the 1980s. Pat Buchanan, Jared Taylor, and Peter Brimelow were […]
Huffington Post They’re stupid enough to give us 95% of Dixie, plus their remaining energy states in Alaska, North Dakota, and Wyoming, the fiscally sound, […]
South Carolina H/T SNN Comrades Palmetto Patriot and Matthew Heimbach will be appearing on the Thom Hartmann radio show tomorrow at 5 PM EST to […]
Alabama This is why we need to splinter off and work towards the goal of creating our own Christian nation-state in Dixie. Instead of sinking ourselves […]
District of Corruption I have a confession to make … I am a long time fan of Hardball With Chris Matthews because no one on […]
District of Corruption Obama’s minions are tracking your every move on the internet, logging your credit card purchases, rummaging through your email, listening in on […]
South Carolina In this SNN podcast, I join Palmetto Patriot to discuss the meaning of the recent PPP poll in the context of our “mainstreaming […]
WND In the United States, the equivalent would be a Southern Nationalist Party or a Southern Nationalist Caucus taking control of the state legislatures of, say, Texas, […]
BRA 25% of Republican voters support secession: “Some GOP voters are so unhappy with the outcome that they no longer care to be a part […]
Alabama Editor’s Note: I am crossposting this from Facebook. The spate of secession petitions that flooded the White House in the wake of Barack Obama’s […]
Alabama Here’s the pulse of the average conservative secessionist petitioner in Alabama. I completely endorse Mr. Graham’s observation that this Union is a failure and […]
New York Here’s another example of a mainstream conservative sputtering in The Wall Street Journal about MLK’s “Dream” in the wake of the election. See […]
Dixie The secession movement hasn’t gone anywhere … the debate continues here and here.
Texas H/T SNN NPR has a new segment on the Texas Nationalist Movement. Note: The Texas secession petition has 117,000 signatures. The Obama administration’s response […]
District of Corruption The Washington Post is furious that White Southern males from the ex-Confederacy, who are obviously guilty of the media’s sin of “racism” […]
Mississippi It is too late for the live thread, but I decided at the last minute to participate in the debate, and we spent about […]
New York In the New York Times, Charles Blow has a new column on the growth of regional and cultural polarization within the United States: […]
BRA Someone at National Review notices the reality of the situation: Update: There are 43 Democrats in the House from the South out of 199 […]
Mississippi The RFM archive of this debate is now available here. Note: Listening to the archive, I will definitely have to get Skype for the […]
California H/T Kevin MacDonald Let’s make a deal: the resurrected Confederacy will happily take Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, the Dakotas and the rest of the […]
District of Corruption No thanks. The GOP is going to fall flat on its face in 2016: Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Susana Martinez, Marco Rubio, […]
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