Red Ice: Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs & Pods
Morgoth’s Review joins Red Ice for a timely interview about Clown World in the United Kingdom
Morgoth’s Review joins Red Ice for a timely interview about Clown World in the United Kingdom
Don’t Look Back In Anger!
Sex trafficking is part and parcel of multiculturalism
He had worked there for 16 years
Dutch farmers are tired of being scapegoated by Brussels bureaucrats
Freedom Party suffers decline at the polls
The president and prime minister of Ukraine are Jewish
The plot of Camp of the Saints continues to unfold in Europe
Five Star Movement forms a new coalition without Salvini
Robert the Bruce leads Scotland to independence
Les Trente Glorieuses (Thirty Glorious Years) comes to an end in the early 1970s
The modern cuckservative is the “idiot” of Antiquity
The Black Vests are demanding an amnesty for illegal aliens. Marine Le Pen says they have to go back
It turns out that grandma’s family didn’t die in Auschwitz after all
He was shot in the head with a short-range weapon
European nationalists and populists make strong gains across the continent in the EU elections
European nationalists want Steve Bannon to go away
Ding, dong, the witch is dead. It’s the Day of the Pillow in the UK as Granny has been forced into retirement!
From this day forward, it is only going to be Israel First!
In the aftermath of the War Between the States, the French came to regret their decision not to intervene and save Western civilization from the excesses of liberalism
Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex announce the birth of Baby Cheddar Man
What caused the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain?
Documentary: Jim Webb’s Born Fighting: The Scots-Irish
To ask the question is to answer it
Adolf Hitler is 130 years old today!
Behold, you’re living in the world of the Last Man
The Holy War of the Crusades raged as Notre Dame was built in France
Nothing better symbolizes the Death of the West under Emmanuel Macron
Jaye Ryan has the hots for Alessandra Mussolini
Martin Sellner linked to New Zealand shooter
Political correctness is immoral
Europe has turned its back on reason and much else
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