Bruce Gore: George Whitefield and the Beginning of the Great Awakening
The Great Awakening transformed the religious landscape of the American colonies
The Great Awakening transformed the religious landscape of the American colonies
Bruce Gore explores the precursors of the Great Awakening
Three waves of Calvinists settled in colonial America
Scottish immigrants began to move to the American colonies in the late 17th century
WhatIfAltHist explains the cultural geography of the United States
Puritans and Presbyterians arrive in North America
Confederate ideology makes much more sense than “fascism”
John Knox built upon John Calvin’s legacy in Scotland
Bruce Gore explores the Calvinist roots of revolutionary republican thought
Presbyterians played a starring role in the American Revolution
The U.S. Constitution was rooted in a Calvinist culture
Ruby Ridge happened thirty years ago
Where did White Nationalism come from?
El Norte is swinging toward the GOP
Liberalism and nationalism divorced a long time ago
Brion McClanahan reviews Gordon Wood’s new book Power and Liberty
The Republican electorate has changed dramatically since the 1920s
How did Ukrainian become a national identity?
History Time releases epic Viking Age Britain documentary
President Andrew Jackson negotiated a commercial treaty with the Russian Empire
A short history of Ukraine
It is kind of a blank spot for me
Oliver Stone’s 2016 documentary on the background of the Maidan coup
The president of Belarus warns the West is on the path to World War III
Equality isn’t a founding principle of the United States
Is American democracy dying or reviving?
MLK was not a conservative
Has the United States always been a “liberal democracy”?
1/6 is like the caning of Charles Sumner all over again
American history has been rewritten by communists since the 1930s
Patrick Deneen on America’s pre-liberal past and post-liberal future
Abraham Lincoln overturned the American Founding
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