Douglas Murray: The Death of Europe
Europe is dying as a result of liberalism
Europe is dying as a result of liberalism
Ann Coulter talks to Eric Metaxas about the Blompf presidency
Ann Coulter talks to Eric Metaxas about the Blompf presidency
DACA isn’t going anywhere, folks!
The Trump Organization cowers before the SPLC and ADL
Over a million illegal aliens were arrested at the border or at ports of entry in FY 2019
The Cheap Labor Express is outraged by refugee cuts
The Hispanics are doing incredible
The plot of Camp of the Saints continues to unfold in Europe
Trump plans to cut the refugee cap from 30,000 to 12,000
11 Republican senators join Democrats to block the border fence
Patrick Crusius confessed to police
The “virus” of the Alt-Right is the dawning awareness that mainstream conservatism is utterly ineffective
There are too many jobs Americans won’t do, folks!
Gutless conservatives have allowed our border to collapse because they are afraid of being called racists
Trump can use $2.5 billion of Pentagon funds to build the wall
Millions will be deported, folks. Believe me!
The conservative case for Third World immigraiton
Folks, they have to come in LEGALLY
We’re building the wall, folks. Believe me!
Mexicans are fed up with illegal immigration
It is a common sense, America First solution. GOY, BYE!
Blompf is an incompetent buffoon who gives us nothing but stupid, meaningless racist tweets
White America needs to be demographically replaced so that liberals can control the government
Jews are openly agitating to dissolve our borders but conservatives are too weak and timid to call them out
After the media worked itself into a frenzy over the expected ICE raids, nothing happened except the discovery of #ICEbae
Meanwhile, Blompf can’t kiss their ass hard enough because he is owned by Jewish donors
Immigrants have earned their right to be here while natives are here due to an accident of birth
She’s a shitholer, folks! Somalia is a complete and total catastrophe! Why doesn’t she go back to her corrupt, totally broken, crime-infested African wasteland? She can’t leave the United States of America fast enough!
Watch Old Glory be replaced by the Mexican flag
The Black Vests are demanding an amnesty for illegal aliens. Marine Le Pen says they have to go back
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