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BRA’s Dream

November 18, 2011 Hunter Wallace 22

California I’m sharing this here for Paul Kersey who has wrote an amusing post about the People’s Liberation Army in China chortling over BRA’s demise. […]

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Lincoln’s Assassination

November 14, 2011 Hunter Wallace 33

District of Corruption In the single most dramatic moment in American political history, John Wilkes Booth assassinates Abraham Lincoln in Ford’s Theater in Washington. Booth […]

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Disaster Ahead

September 13, 2011 Hunter Wallace 24

Iowa Occidental Dissent is your portal into the “mainstream” where important changes are going on in White America (like the quiet death of the Louisiana […]

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End The USA

August 22, 2011 Hunter Wallace 11

Virginia Ron Paul is right that we need to “End the Fed.” Unfortunately, he doesn’t go nearly far enough for my tastes. We need to […]

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Compromise of 2012

August 17, 2011 Hunter Wallace 6

Texas In 1877, the South struck a deal with the Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes to end Reconstruction. The Union Army would withdraw its troops […]

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Civil War 2

August 17, 2011 Hunter Wallace 13

District of Corruption As everyone knows by now, Rick Perry is running for president in 2012. He is the latest Republican opportunist who is trying […]

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August 13, 2011 Hunter Wallace 13

Alabama “I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for severity? I will be as harsh […]

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#11. Augustus

August 8, 2011 Hunter Wallace 0

Rome Watch these videos. Think of it as a tutorial in symbolic power and legitimacy. That is a glimpse of greatness. This is presence. Wonks, […]

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July 23, 2011 Hunter Wallace 3

Georgia Occidental Dissent is on the road this afternoon in Albany, GA researching the Albany campaign which will be discussed in our first book, “The Real […]

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Stimulating Selma

July 19, 2011 Hunter Wallace 1

Alabama “Don’t tell me I’m not coming home when I come to Selma, Ala. I’m here because somebody marched for our freedom. I’m here because […]

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Utah Revolts

June 19, 2011 Hunter Wallace 1

Utah It occurs to me that more needs to be said about the topics we spent so much time on last year: immigration, whiteness, conservatism, […]