Carnival In Columbia: Klan, NSM, SJWs, Black Panthers, Protesters All Square Off In Columbia
America loves a good old spectacle
America loves a good old spectacle
“Heritage, Not Hate” supporters forgot they are hated
Republicans announce a “new day” for the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce
South Carolina Republicans overwhelmingly vote against the Confederate Battle Flag
League of the South rallies in Jackson in defense of Mississippi State Flag
Early reports are rolling in from a wild weekend of pro-Southern activism: 1.) Nearly 1,000 people turned out to support the Confederate Battle Flag in […]
I would like to make a personal statement about the terrible killings in Charleston. I’m deeply saddened by this terrible, cowardly act of mass murder […]
Unlike the flotsam floating around most of the internet, this is actually useful in understanding Dylann Roofs mindset, which Joe Navarro identifies as the key […]
The SPLC is now suggesting that Dylann Roof was an anonymous Daily Stormer commentator, AryanBlood1488. The Stormer has a disclaimer on its sidebar that disavows […]
While absolutely nothing excuses Dylann Roof’s evil, horrific crime in Charleston, the Council of Conservative Citizens “stands unshakably behind the facts on its website” and […]
This interview has just came to my attention: Note: I would add here that spree killings are becoming more common in the United States as […]
Rod Dreher’s latest piece on the Confederate Battle Flag illustrates why so many people have such a hard time taking him seriously: “True, Dylann Roof […]
In this case, I will say that it genuinely does look like this White police officer in North Charleston, SC murdered an unarmed black man. […]
We’ve set a new highwater mark: at least 80 to 100 activists, probably more, protested immigration this weekend in Georgia and South Carolina. Gainesville Exactly […]
Richard B. Drake’s A History of Appalachia is an excellent introduction to the history and culture of the people of the region. The book can […]
South Carolina The Barbados-South Carolina connection has come up in a discussion at Civil War Talk. There’s a thread over there that links to an […]
South Carolina The League of the South held its third rally against Southern Demographic Displacement in Greer and Traveler’s Rest, SC on Saturday. Around 30 […]
South Carolina Here are some photos from the two rallies and after party:
South Carolina According to Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republicans are in “a demographic death spiral,” and the only way to “get back in the good […]
District of Corruption As we turn our attention to immigration, I am bumping this speech to the National Council of La Raza where Lindsey Graham […]
District of Corruption Sen. Lindsey Graham reminds us that in the Second World War there were “limits on what you could say” and wishes “he […]
District of Corruption I’ve written a longer article about this for another website. In the meantime, let the reaction begin.
South Carolina South Carolina should have dumped Lindsey Graham a long time ago. If you agree, please join us in the streets of Greenville and […]
South Carolina In 2011, South Carolina passed an immigration law modeled on Arizona’s SB 1070. The US Justice Department, SPLC, ACLU, MALDEF and the National […]
South Carolina The pride of South Carolina … in 60 seconds:
South Carolina Lindsay Graham is being challenged by State Sen. Lee Bright: “State Sen. Lee Bright officially announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate during a […]
South Carolina This is embarrassing … like what recently happened to Roan Garcia-Quintana and now John Stortstrom, it shows that the door has closed on working within […]
South Carolina Here’s an excerpt from Clive Webb’s Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights about Solomon Blatt, the Jewish Speaker of the […]
South Carolina This is a topic that OD will be returning to at some point in the future:
South Carolina H/T SNN Good points. Why should Southern children be serving as cannon fodder in America’s endless imperial wars in Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, […]
South Carolina Here’s the link to the SNN podcast with Palmetto Patriot about my review of James C. Cobb’s The South and America Since World […]
South Carolina SNN makes a video based on Robert Oculus III’s suggestion for a “yes” to independence campaign:
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