
Jared Taylor: Friend or Foe?
Guy White is nursing the delusion that Jared Taylor is “more philo-Semitic” than he is; this after his last bloodthirsty fantasy thread about gunning down Nazis. He […]

Thoughts on National Socialism
Normally, I would avoid a discussion of European history (this blog is focused on the United States), but it is almost impossible to have a […]

The Progressives
Over at Daily Kos, David A. Love (negro) is browbeating the Republicans over their treatment of Sonia Sotomayor during her Senate confirmation hearings. In his words, […]

Meet Max Isaacson
He is the vile Jew that directed the fake Sprite ad that has gone viral around the net. This is worst piece of Jewish filth that […]

Yesterday’s Men
If you are White and male, that’s what you are according to Ross Douthat, one of the house conservatives who writes for the New York Times. Your America is […]

Robert Lindsay, Again
Robert Lindsay is on a tear this morning against White Nationalism. I’m starting to think he does this to reflexively reassert his leftist bonafides. For […]

Progressives on Buchanan
At VDARE, Pat Buchanan is pointing out an inconvenient truth, one which flew completely over the head of Rachel Maddow: in 45 years, the Democratic Party hasn’t […]

Two Minute Hate
In the New York Times, Frank Rich (Jew) is foaming at the mouth with venom, and unleashes a two-minute-hate against the White race over the Sotomayor […]

Obama’s NAACP Speech
OneSTDV, a HBD blogger, gives his analysis of Obama’s NAACP speech. I copied and pasted the text below and inserted my own commentary. ______________________________________________ THE […]

Capitalism, Again
Some food for thought: Back in February, FAIR released an important study which analyzed immigration lobbyists. It found that big business accounted for 59% of the various […]

District 9
Via Amren, Kyle Bristow is giving us advance notice that Hollywood is poised to release another movie about evil white men who practice segregation. District 9 […]

Whites of Latin America
Robert Lindsay has a long post about the Whites of Latin America. They are generally under siege throughout the region. Argentina has a terrible problem […]

Guy White, Reloaded
I logged on this morning to discover that Guy White had left us a present in the comments. He seems rather irate over the brief […]

Just Another Day (Part 11)
President Barack Obama is speaking tonight at the NAACP’s annual convention. After moving White America “beyond race” in last year’s election, Obama will be addressing a race-based […]

Just Another Day (Part 10)
In the New York Times, Maureen Dowd ridicules GOP resistance to Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination as “a gaggle of white Republican men afraid of extinction.” She […]

Jews and Politics
Guy White is toying around with the strange notion that Jews are “particularly bad” at politics. This one is sure to elicit uproarious rounds of […]

Christianity and White Racial Decline (Part 1)
In the Sans Jews and Capitalism and White Racial Decline threads, I stirred the pot here by arguing that other powerful factors (aside from Jewish […]

Monument to White Nationalism
Here’s a little news item I seem to have missed. Back in May, James Loewen and Edward Sebesta launched a campaign to convince President Barack […]

Just Another Day (Part 9)
Jews — Britney Spears is converting to Judaism. If William Pierce were still alive, he would probably use this as an example to illustrate Jewish control of […]

Capitalism and White Racial Decline
At The Occidental Quarterly, Michael O’Meara is saying a lot that I happen to agree with about America’s racial decline. It wasn’t a function of […]

Occidental Dissent
A few months ago, I was convinced that I was losing my interest in blogging. I had been unusually inactive for a long period of […]

The Fruits of Progress
It looks like a scene out of Reconstruction.

Authentic Conservatism
According to Thomas Fleming and Chronicles, it has nothing to do with the preservation of your race, nation or ethnic group. These malicious concepts “flow out […]

How I Saw The Light
AR has an interesting discussion going on about white racial consciousness. How did I see the light? I’ve written about this before. I don’t remember […]

Independence Day
It’s almost that time again. I’m referring to the disgusting charade that now passes for Independence Day. Boobus Americanus will arise from his slumber and […]