Christopher Columbus Statue In Boston Vandalized By “Black Lives Matter” Movement
Here in the South, there are so many Confederate monuments being vandalized with “Black Lives Matter” slogans that I can’t even keep track of them […]
Here in the South, there are so many Confederate monuments being vandalized with “Black Lives Matter” slogans that I can’t even keep track of them […]
You know, it’s amazing. These people call me an “extremist” … like I am someone who supports the murder of millions of children: “The Supreme […]
Like I was saying, the SJWs who hate the Confederate Battle Flag are equally offended by the sight of the Bible and the cross: “But […]
I will keep this short and simple: 1.) These spontaneous Confederate Battle Flag rallies are a symptom of the outrage that is brimming underneath the […]
Editor’s Note: Please use this thread to report activism and share links to upcoming events as you come across them. I’m hearing reports of more […]
In the wake of this media fomented campaign of cultural genocide against all things Confederate, it is time to knock out a list of practical […]
Early reports are rolling in from a wild weekend of pro-Southern activism: 1.) Nearly 1,000 people turned out to support the Confederate Battle Flag in […]
So, I went over to The American Conservative to take a look at Rod Dreher’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling on “gay marriage.” Just […]
H/T VDARE I can’t stop laughing … this is so true:
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod has issued a strong statement condemning the Republican-controlled US Supreme Court’s decision on “gay marriage” this morning. I believe […]
I would like to make a personal statement about the terrible killings in Charleston. I’m deeply saddened by this terrible, cowardly act of mass murder […]
Occidental Dissent statement on morality
In another 5-4 decision, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has declared that “gay marriage” is a fundamental right and has legalized it in all fifty states: […]
In a 5-4 decision, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has upheld the “disparate impact” standard of discrimination: “WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court handed a surprising victory […]
While the world was distracted by Dylann Roof’s shooting spree, the Republican-controlled Congress singlehandedly saved Obamatrade and handed President Obama “fast track authority” to negotiate […]
Now that the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has upheld Obamacare for a second time, the GOP is relieved that it will no longer have to feign […]
Epic post coming up this afternoon, folks. Stay tuned. I’m about to call out these mainstream American “conservatives” on how they have destroyed the South. […]
I wouldn’t be surprised if Rotherham was one of the catalyzing events that “radicalized” Dylann Roof. Remember, he said that he was furious because they […]
I spoke to the media about Charleston because I believe that these are the times when our convictions are tested. We must stand firm and […]
ISIS is blowing up ancient landmarks in Syria. Isn’t this interesting? The US federal government believes that Southerners should serve in its military and fight […]
The leftwing media has always hated the Confederate Battle Flag
Some of you probably recall how a few months ago supporters of the #BlackLivesMatter movement rioted, looted, and burned down large sections of Baltimore over […]
Years ago, I warned that the American Left’s agenda of cultural genocide was absolutely no different than ISIS or the Taliban in its ferocity, and […]
Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress, but I am putting together a definitive statement on why nationalists should not support the Republican Party. […]
Ladies and gentlemen, I offer you this Twitter exchange as a window into the disturbing worldview of the American leftist: These are the people who […]
Unlike the flotsam floating around most of the internet, this is actually useful in understanding Dylann Roofs mindset, which Joe Navarro identifies as the key […]
The SPLC is now suggesting that Dylann Roof was an anonymous Daily Stormer commentator, AryanBlood1488. The Stormer has a disclaimer on its sidebar that disavows […]
While absolutely nothing excuses Dylann Roof’s evil, horrific crime in Charleston, the Council of Conservative Citizens “stands unshakably behind the facts on its website” and […]
H/T VDARE The Derb makes an excellent point about Charleston shooter Dylann Roof who wanted to incite a “civil war”: in 1859, the abolitionist fanatic […]
This interview has just came to my attention: Note: I would add here that spree killings are becoming more common in the United States as […]
Rod Dreher’s latest piece on the Confederate Battle Flag illustrates why so many people have such a hard time taking him seriously: “True, Dylann Roof […]
Editor’s Note: Before reading this article, check out my previous article on Dylann Roof, A Deadly Cocktail: Self Expression, Fantasism, and Mental Illness. A third […]
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