National Park Service To Remove Statue of William Penn In Philadelphia
A statue of William Penn is being removed from his own house by the Biden administration
A statue of William Penn is being removed from his own house by the Biden administration
Reconciliation was a disaster for the South
A book review of Joseph A. Conforti’s Saints and Strangers: New England in British North America
How hard is it?
Brion McClanahan reviews Gordon Wood’s new book Power and Liberty
Democrats score another big win by toppling statue of Theodore Roosevelt
The Democratic Party has a clear brand
NatCon II appears to be little more than a rebranding exercise
The case for removing Confederate monuments
In 1925, a racial slur was used to describe a gigantic boulder on campus which has left some students traumatized
Patriot Front tagged a Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and Armed Robbery mural over the weekend
The police are investigating it as a hate crime
It is painful to African-Americans who vote for Democrats in Tennessee
The feeble conservative establishment has been consistently wrong for decades
Everything that is “racist” must go
51% of voters want Confederate monuments to remain standing
Charlottesville wastes no time in erasing American heritage
Charlottesville was the canary in the coal mine
A statue of civil rights icon Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. has been vandalized in Long Beach
The idea that the Confederacy is somehow uniquely immoral and un-American is laughable
Progressive activists are alienated by the American flag
Actually, the American Idea was our idea
The Republican leadership is unreliable on preserving American heritage
Patriot Front graffiti was found on the George Floyd monuments
The Rough Rider has officially been cancelled
Newark, NJ is erecting Harriet Tubman and George Floyd monuments
Old Glory is a symbol of racism and white supremacy
Nathan Bedford Forrest will finally be able to rest in peace
Woke progressives are still enraged by the existence of the Confederate memorial on Stone Mountain
Woke progressives are defined by their hostility to anything traditional whether it is racial, religious or national identity
Who should be honored in our National Garden of American Heroes?
Joe Biden rescinds Trump executive order that protected historic monuments
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