Jewish Conservatives Debate American Nationalism
That’s not who we are
That’s not who we are
America is finally rejecting the New York Intellectuals
Politics as values vs. interests
What are we celebrating today?
Pentagon ends ban on transgender troops
Kentucky clerk jailed for opposing Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage
If the races were reversed, there would be a national uproar
It ain’t that great anymore
Glenn Beck planning to bring his koolaid to Birmingham
Say goodbye to boys and girls
A shining City on a Hill
VICE follow up on Otherkin movement
New York Magazine publishes massive expose of Bill Cosby
Black writer John McWhorter dissects America’s national faith
ESPN’s Colin Cowherd becomes second Paula Deen this weekend
And when the SJWs came for Hulk Hogan …
Battered Jewish neocon presses charges against tranny over threatened spanking
Now her transition is complete
Cucked male feminist shares the joy of losing his manhood
Things get a little heated around the 5:30 minute mark
Bill Cosby caught with 7 prescriptions of Quaaludes
SJWs victorious in campaigns for homosexual Boy Scout leaders and fighting trannies
Christianity is being devoured by Americanism
1990s parody comes true in 2015
Kim Kardashian is all dressed up for July 4th
Amen. I’m about to write my own customary take on July the 4th, but Matt Walsh over at The Blaze has already expressed many of […]
H/T Rod Dreher As we prepare to celebrate July the 4th, take a look at this: “I had freed myself from the grips of government, […]
Like I was saying, the SJWs who hate the Confederate Battle Flag are equally offended by the sight of the Bible and the cross: “But […]
So, I went over to The American Conservative to take a look at Rod Dreher’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling on “gay marriage.” Just […]
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod has issued a strong statement condemning the Republican-controlled US Supreme Court’s decision on “gay marriage” this morning. I believe […]
In another 5-4 decision, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has declared that “gay marriage” is a fundamental right and has legalized it in all fifty states: […]
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