Discourse Poisoning

TOQ Online: One Year Anniversary
TOQ Online is celebrating its first birthday today. The site went online on April 17, 2009 – exactly one year ago – at a time […]

District of Corruption: Crashing The Tea Party
The Tea Party Express rolled into the District of Corruption earlier this morning. A rally that drew a couple thousand angry conservatives (mostly from the […]

South Africa: Life in Azania
An OD correspondent in South Africa has been sending me regular bulletins from Nelson Mandela’s “Rainbow Nation.” White Nationalists in North America have always followed […]

A New Nation Is Finding It Can Speak
With the successful launch of Alternative Right, the old split between the neo- and the paleo-conservatives was laid to rest. What many of us felt […]

Zimbabwe: Blacks Admit Rhodesia Was Better
This article needs to be kept in your short term memory archive. Zimbabwe, formerly the breadbasket of Africa, is starving. In the New York Times, […]

Virginia: Bob McDonnell and Confederate History Month
Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, has stirred up a national controversy by having the audacity to declare the month of April “Confederate History Month” in […]

More rules of discourse.
In the past few months I’ve come up with a few simple guidelines for White Nationalist writers. Before you ever publish anything on a website […]

South Africa: Malema Defies Court Order
Julius Malema, the ANC Youth League president, has defied the South African court order and sung “Kill the Boer” again. So much for the Rainbow […]

South Africa: A White Man Speaks Out
In South Africa, a White man speaks out. He explains the situation better than any of us could:

Radio Free Virginia: Whites of Africa
RFV returns as a podcast: A tribute to Eugene Terre’blanche: “Piet Rudolph has more patriotism and integrity in his little finger than de Klerk has […]

Exchange with anti-white Sally Kohn
I found Sally Kohn’s article interesting because it brought up the old leftist favorite about “white and blacks unite against the plutocrats.” This doesn’t actually […]

Letter to Jeffrey Imm
Dear Jeffrey, I see now that you successfully held your “public awareness event” at the Lincoln Memorial on March 28. For over a month, I […]

Radio Free Virginia: The Tea Party Movement and White Rage
Hunter Wallace and Pip Pockets discuss the Tea Party Movement, the growing White backlash against Obamacare, and spurious accusations of “racism” from mainstream liberal columnists. […]

Don’t Tread On Me
Leonard Zeskind asks: What’s Next for the Tea Partiers? He predicts the Tea Party Movement will radicalize in its frustration with the Republican establishment and […]

March Against America (Must See Video!)
Via TOQ Online. Where is Bull Connor when you need him? More here.

Radio Free Virginia: St. Patrick’s Day
Yes, I know the outro is fucked up. We did two takes of this. The second was a huge improvement over the first. I am […]

Frum Forum Linked To Church of Satan
Fuck Yeah Satan! David Frum’s website “Frum Forum” claims that it is “dedicated to the modernization and renewal of the Republican party and the conservative […]

The Epiphany
Suddenly, to his absolute horror, ltoro1 awakens to the realization that he’s completely surrounded by angry White people. David Frum, one of the most powerful […]

Faux Right
Alternative Right has continued to make waves around the blogosphere. The site has generated more attention than I expected. I thought Spencer would launch the site […]

Alex Knepper on Richard Spencer
Alex Knepper of Frum Forum attacks Richard Spencer.

Radio Free Virginia
Introducing Radio Free Virginia. Future episodes will be archived under the new “RFV” tab in the header. Enjoy.

Red Jeffrey on Alt Right
It didn’t take long. Alt Right has officially made Red Jeffrey’s list of really scary White people who dare to chat with each other on the […]

Alternative Right
Richard Spencer’s new website Alternative Right launched this afternoon. As many of you know, Spencer left Takimag back in January to strike out on his […]

Jeffrey Imm Video
Question: Do you want to see the whole video or the choicest parts? We have about thirty minutes of tape from Imm’s Feb. 19th event in […]

White Money Movement
Comrades, I’m officially joining the so-called White Money Movement. I’ve spent the last week here in Virginia learning how utterly amateur the White Nationalist movement […]

The R.E.A.L. Ghostbusters
Jeffrey Imm wants to help the Tea Party Movement with a problem: hate. Like a Scientologist with an E-Meter, he has detected a dangerous level […]

The R.E.A.L. Tragedy
A response to Jeffrey Imm and R.E.A.L. Growing up in the 1990s, I found myself pondering all sorts of mysteries as a teenager: why did […]

White Nationalist Rhetoric
Cloee Cooper is claiming (without evidence) that White Nationalists invented the term “illegal alien” to poison the well of mainstream political discourse. “Language constructs reality.” […]

Thinkpol vs. Amren
R.E.A.L. (an anti-White hate group) is claiming to have persuaded the Westin Washington Dulles Hotel to cancel the 2010 Amren Conference. They also claim to be […]