Rising: The Vaccine Class Gap
PMCs are eager to get the jab
PMCs are eager to get the jab
The politics of COVID changed, not the science
Anthony Fauci no longer dismisses the possibility that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab
Oregon becomes the first state to require vaccination proof for maskless entry into businesses, workplaces and churches
The lab leak theory was “tarred” by association with the “far right”
It was never about “principles”
Wearing a mask is becoming a badge of social conformity
Liberal Larry is despondent that the pandemic is over
Joe Biden claims it is a “great day for America” as progressives continue to insist on wearing masks anyway
Dr. Fauci can’t keep his story straight on the origin of COVID
Is COVID-19 a Chinese made biological weapon?
Dozens of people allegedly congregated in church without masks and with no regard for social distancing
Are woke progressives really following the science or is something else going on here?
Some progressives are resisting the end of the COVID pandemic and life returning to normal
If you wore a mask outside during the pandemic, our research indicates that you are an idiot
Morons are still wearing masks while engaging in vigorous outside exercise
Anthony Fauci is coming under fire from both sides now
The public health establishment and the corporate media are gaslighting people about COVID
No one has permission to question the political establishment
Racism is the real pandemic
Americans are over the COVID-19 pandemic
Where did COVID-19 come from?
Joe strikes an optimistic tone and calls on Americans to put country first in the fight against COVID
House votes 219 to 210 to pass COVID relief bill
Neoliberal Joe does a town hall event in Wisconsin to sell his COVID relief package
No one really cares now that Joe is president
Actually, there isn’t much we can do about the virus
Joe Biden pledges “full-scale wartime effort” to combat COVID-19
The True Cons are the anchor that sunk the Republican Party
Joe Biden lays out his COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan
COVID-19 deaths and infections are at all time high
Where did COVID-19 come from?
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