The Selzer Poll
Is Kamala Harris winning in Iowa?
Is Kamala Harris winning in Iowa?
Iowa has already been called for Donald Trump
Trump would defeat Biden in a blowout in 2024
The insurrectionists took over the Oklahoma House and sent the Oklahoma State Capitol into a lockdown
The insurrectionists were ignored by the corporate media because of their woke brand of politics
Donald Trump won Iowa by a similar margin in 2020
DNC calls for a second caucus in Iowa
The Democratic Party forgot how to count
Democracy was lost in the darkness
Bernie Sanders screwed out of Iowa victory by rigged system
Bernie Sanders could lose several Blue States to Trump
#YangGang rallies in Des Moines
Mollie Tibbetts was like John McCain and Aretha Franklin
Toxic masculinity was the real culprit
Her body was found in an Iowa corn field
Benjamin Garland misrepresents the history of the Northern states
Latest national and state polls
Black Undertow ruins Ceder Rapids Sweet Corn Festival
Bernie Sanders loses Iowa by 0.3 percent of the vote
Jesus wants you to oppose ethanol subsidies
Populists should unite to overthrow the globalists
Iowa votes and sends message to nation
Trump takes the lead in final Des Moines Register poll
Sarah Palin to appear at Donald Trump rally at 5:00 PM CST
“Highly sophisticated killers” have given ¡Jeb! millions
Iowa Will the SPLC label Chick-fil-A a hate group? “NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Customers across the nation who turned out for Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day were […]
Iowa The CNN entrance poll shows that Ron Paul handily won under 40 voters in Iowa. He would have won easily if Baby Boomers and […]
Iowa Update: Mitt Romney has won the Iowa Caucus by 8 votes. This is the closest race in the history of the Iowa Caucus. What […]
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