MIGA: Trump Threatens To Officially End Iran
Iran is threatening to destroy us with its formidable military and Trump will prevent them from acquiring WMD
Iran is threatening to destroy us with its formidable military and Trump will prevent them from acquiring WMD
Trump is reportedly upset that John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are desperately trying to drag him into a war with Iran
You don’t want to be against God, right? Heh Heh
Is Blompf the chosen instrument of God to protect Israel from the Iranian menace?
Tucker Carlson pushes back against neocon warmongers
Democrats are strongly pushing back against Trump’s warmongering against Iran
Topic: A Foreign Policy From the Founding
John Bolton has drawn up a plan to send 120,000 troops to the Middle East to fight Iran for the sake of Israel
Tulsi Gabbard is running for president to stop regime change wars
Former Secretary of State John Kerry is accused of engaging in diplomacy with Iran
For the sake of Israel, Iran’s economy must be crushed
Israel is providing the White House with “intelligence” about Iranian aggression
Jared, tell Bibi that I did it for Israel
Shekels please, Sheldon
Neocons praise Trump’s foreign policy achievements
The essence of mainstream conservatism is weakness
This one is for you, Sheldon
Muh Greatest Ally nearly starts World War 3 in Syria
Is the Trump administration laying the groundwork for a war with Iran?
Trump blinks and signs waiver
Nikki Haley criticizes Iran for suppressing free speech
ISIS condemns all of Israel’s enemies
Iran color revolution seems to be falling apart
Deep State think tank finally decided on the Libya plan
Can we admit the Alt-Lite was always phony?
Tens of thousands march in Iran in support of government
Pass the Freedom Fries
Iran is more democratic than the United States
The people of are Iran are crying out for feminism
Silicon Valley breathes a sigh of relief
The CIA overthrew the Iranian government in 1953
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