New York Times: George Soros Has Enemies And He Is Fine With That
The Closed Society is making a comeback
The Closed Society is making a comeback
Blompf endangers the Jews
Ben combines his Jewish faith and queer identity as he dances in London with his mum!
George Soros has been pushed out of Hungary
Is it the end of Bibi?
The Gentiles are making fun of us! SHUT IT DOWN!
The Far Right is winning! SHUT THEM DOWN!
Florida’s anti-Semitism law was just the start
National Socialist Germany and the Lügenpresse had a rocky relationship
Jews really are as bad as anti-Semites claim
Project Veritas exposes CNN as Jewish fake news
Who are the real anti-Semites? Democrats or Republicans?
America’s cultural elite are the victims of hate
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman wormed their way into Trump’s elite circles and have imperiled his presidency
Neither of Stephen Balliet’s victims are Jewish
Israel will support the gallant Kurds
“No one expects the internet SS”
Jewish atheists are feeling more comfortable with their Jewish identity
The Trump Organization cowers before the SPLC and ADL
A new ad campaign has been launched to encourage New York Jews to engage with Judaism
Jewish values already dominate the public square
Ethnonationalism for me, but not for thee
Nick Fuentes and Scott Greer are bad optics
A special Rosh Hashanah message from the King of the Jews
Jewish groups claim America has a moral obligation to take in refugees
We demand the goyim …
The OK sign, Moonman, the bowl cut and “Annudah Shoah” are officially hate symbols
Sexual perversion has become mainstream
The Netanyahu era could be over
He owned firearms and offended Jews
YouTube is purging a bunch of channels for the ADL
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