Thoughts on National Socialism
Normally, I would avoid a discussion of European history (this blog is focused on the United States), but it is almost impossible to have a […]
Normally, I would avoid a discussion of European history (this blog is focused on the United States), but it is almost impossible to have a […]
Over at Daily Kos, David A. Love (negro) is browbeating the Republicans over their treatment of Sonia Sotomayor during her Senate confirmation hearings. In his words, […]
He is the vile Jew that directed the fake Sprite ad that has gone viral around the net. This is worst piece of Jewish filth that […]
If you are White and male, that’s what you are according to Ross Douthat, one of the house conservatives who writes for the New York Times. Your America is […]
Robert Lindsay is on a tear this morning against White Nationalism. I’m starting to think he does this to reflexively reassert his leftist bonafides. For […]
At VDARE, Pat Buchanan is pointing out an inconvenient truth, one which flew completely over the head of Rachel Maddow: in 45 years, the Democratic Party hasn’t […]
In the New York Times, Frank Rich (Jew) is foaming at the mouth with venom, and unleashes a two-minute-hate against the White race over the Sotomayor […]
OneSTDV, a HBD blogger, gives his analysis of Obama’s NAACP speech. I copied and pasted the text below and inserted my own commentary. ______________________________________________ THE […]
Some food for thought: Back in February, FAIR released an important study which analyzed immigration lobbyists. It found that big business accounted for 59% of the various […]
Via Amren, Kyle Bristow is giving us advance notice that Hollywood is poised to release another movie about evil white men who practice segregation. District 9 […]
Robert Lindsay has a long post about the Whites of Latin America. They are generally under siege throughout the region. Argentina has a terrible problem […]
I logged on this morning to discover that Guy White had left us a present in the comments. He seems rather irate over the brief […]
President Barack Obama is speaking tonight at the NAACP’s annual convention. After moving White America “beyond race” in last year’s election, Obama will be addressing a race-based […]
In the New York Times, Maureen Dowd ridicules GOP resistance to Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination as “a gaggle of white Republican men afraid of extinction.” She […]
Guy White is toying around with the strange notion that Jews are “particularly bad” at politics. This one is sure to elicit uproarious rounds of […]
In the Sans Jews and Capitalism and White Racial Decline threads, I stirred the pot here by arguing that other powerful factors (aside from Jewish […]
Here’s a little news item I seem to have missed. Back in May, James Loewen and Edward Sebesta launched a campaign to convince President Barack […]
Jews — Britney Spears is converting to Judaism. If William Pierce were still alive, he would probably use this as an example to illustrate Jewish control of […]
At The Occidental Quarterly, Michael O’Meara is saying a lot that I happen to agree with about America’s racial decline. It wasn’t a function of […]
A few months ago, I was convinced that I was losing my interest in blogging. I had been unusually inactive for a long period of […]
It looks like a scene out of Reconstruction.
According to Thomas Fleming and Chronicles, it has nothing to do with the preservation of your race, nation or ethnic group. These malicious concepts “flow out […]
AR has an interesting discussion going on about white racial consciousness. How did I see the light? I’ve written about this before. I don’t remember […]
It’s almost that time again. I’m referring to the disgusting charade that now passes for Independence Day. Boobus Americanus will arise from his slumber and […]
Regarding your recent series of posts: I’m wondering if you were somehow abducted by aliens who managed to swap your brain with mine of about […]
Robert Lindsay is still trying to bake his political cake out of incompatible ingredients: a dash of race realism, positive white racial identity, the leftist view of […]
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