Month: April 2017

The Mexican-American War & Decline of the American Empire
The Right Stuff recently ran an article which discusses the USA as a White empire, mostly in the old sense of the word as an […]

100% Cotton Southern Nationalist Flags
Would you would like a 100% cotton high quality Southern Nationalist flag? They are now available from Patriotic Flags. Until now all we had were […]

Le Pen Continues to Gain Ground Ahead of Run-off
Nationalist presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is off to a strong start in the run-off against globalist and open borders advocate Emmanuel Macron. She recently garnered […]

Ivanka – the Shiksa
Shiksa Shikseh Pronounced SHIK-seh, to rhyme with “pick the”. From Hebrew: sheques: “blemish.” 1. A non-Jewish woman, especially a young one. (Source: “The Joys of […]

Live Thread: Take A Stand Traditionalist Workers Party Rally In Pikeville, KY
Traditionalist Workers Party vs. Antifas in Pikeville, KY

US & EU Condemn Nationalist Uprising in Macedonia
Diversity is the primary weakness of the small southeastern European country of Macedonia, which has endured a lengthy and intense political and now-violent struggle between […]

Rhetorical Rehabilitation of the Rebel Spirit
I know you’ve heard this propaganda before. Every Southerner has read, heard, (or even themselves stated) a variation of this trope: “Northern culture has steadily […]

Live Thread: The Battle of Berkeley (Part 4)
Free speech activists square off against antifas

Le Pen Starts Strong in French Presidential Run-off
Nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen, who finished second in the first round of the French presidential election, is aggressively campaigning and out-maneuvering her globalist, establishment-supported […]

Racial Reality on Public Transportation in Atlanta
What is it like for a White Baby Boomer who is fully indoctrinated in racial egalitarianism to take the public transportation from his nice, safe […]

Southern Nationalist Radio 034 – From Trump Betrayals To Street Clashes
THE BLACK PILL on Trump, Auburn, Pikeville and where we go from here

VA Gubernatorial Candidate Corey Stewart Attacked Over Defense of Confederate Monuments
In the Old Dominion Republican gubernatorial candidate and Prince William County Supervisors Chairman Corey Stewart is being attacked in the liberal mainstream media over his […]

Antifas Force Ann Coulter To Cancel Berkeley Appearance
The Alt-Right is still going anyway

Antifas Shutdown Portland’s Avenue of Roses Parade
Antifas shutdown the Multnomah County Republican Party

Latest News from Trump Dumpster Fire
Here is the latest news from an administration that has crushed our hopes and dreams over the last month and looks worse by the day. […]

The Holocaust as a Fundamentalist Religious Myth
Arab terrorist (7 year old with a rock) attacks Israeli Jews (IDF troops in the tank) 6 Million Jews feared dead! (The following is intended […]

Trump’s Full Remarks at DC Holocaust Museum
Jarvanka are unquestionably in power

Antifas Coming to Pikeville, KY on April 29
Antifas plan to bring their violence to Appalachia

Paul Wolfowitz Boards The Trump Train
Wolfowitz is optimistic about Trump’s foreign policy

Antifas Are Forming Militias
Pepe used for target practice

New Orleans Begins Removing Confederate Monuments
Multiracial democracy erases our heritage

Conservatives Join Socialists Against Le Pen
European conservative leaders quickly signaled their support for Left-wing front-runner Emmanuel Macron after the first round of the French presidential election. The defeated conservative French […]

NY Times: What ‘Snowflakes’ Get Right About Free Speech
Free speech should be restricted on college campuses

The Complete Auburn Exit
The Alt-Right leaves Auburn

Le Pen & Macron Win, Headed to Run-off
UPDATE: The New York Times reports: In France’s most consequential election in recent history, voters on Sunday endorsed Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen — […]

FLASHBACK: Jeb! Explains His Syria Policy
This is what Jeb! wanted to do in Syria

Trump’s Latest Black Pills
Five to swallow before bedtime

Buchanan: It’s Too Late to Save the USA
Politico, a bastion of establishment-friendly, Leftist commentary, has a surprisingly objective feature article on Patrick Buchanan. One of the pictures that accompanies the article shows […]

Leftists Attempt to Shut Down AfD Congress in Cologne
The radical Left has organized a massive demonstration against the Alternative for Germany party as it holds its congress in Cologne, The Guardian reports: Thousands of […]

Terror Shooting in Paris, Le Pen & Sunday’s Election
The recent attack by a Muslim immigrant upon police in Paris that left one officer dead has focused Sunday’s presidential election in France upon immigration and security, […]

Sessions: June Deadline for Sanctuary Cities
The US Justice Department, headed by former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, has issued a deadline to several major “sanctuary cities” which shield illegal immigrants from […]