Anti-Racism: America’s New National Religion
Black writer John McWhorter dissects America’s national faith
Black writer John McWhorter dissects America’s national faith
District of Corruption In his 2013 State of the Union Address, Obama announced that he is working on the “Trans-Pacific Partnership” free trade agreement and […]
Virginia I found these two gems of Confederate wisdom on the League of the South Facebook page: “Wherever you find the negro, everything is going down […]
Hollywood When I first heard about “Killer Crow,” I thought this was a White Nationalist parody of Django Unchained, but it turns out that Quentin […]
BRA I think it is more like White people don’t care when black kids get shot in Chicago because it is so common that it […]
New York H/T Weasel Zippers
California The latest Victor Davis Hanson column is why Sam Francis called mainstream conservatives “Beautiful Losers”: “There is a different sort of racialist derangement spreading […]
Illinois Here’s the most important article yet on the Newtown school shooting: “There’s no doubt what happened in Newtown, Connecticut was a horrible tragedy, a […]
Mississippi The highlight of the interview was Jim Giles putting Jared Taylor on the spot about the destructive fringe of the White Nationalist movement. Jared […]
South Carolina How embarrassing. After the election, I pretty much wrote off the GOP anyway when every Republican talking head embraced amnesty for illegal aliens. […]
New York Charles Blow on Matthew Heimbach: “In September, a white student named Matthew Heimbach at Towson University caused a bit of an uproar when […]
District of Corruption H/T Colin Flaherty This is the society we are seceding from: Obama’s America. Note: I can’t help but observe that it was […]
New York How White is that?
Mississippi WIC In 2010, 44,671 Whites and 66,830 African-Americans were on WIC in Mississippi. 60% of WIC recipients in Mississippi are African-American. $66.8 million dollars […]
Mississippi Here’s another excerpt from Chuck Thompson’s Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession which is part of a roundtable discussion on […]
Dixie H/T Jackson and Pat DiLorenzo on secession: “The U.S. has become one giant plunder-seeking society whereby the “net tax consumers” now outnumber the “net […]
Michigan I’m posting this here for the benefit of our Texas readers … this city councilwoman in the D who voted for Obama is demanding […]
Alabama This is excellent stuff. I hope Paul Kersey will write After the Cameras Left: Birmingham under Black Run America, 1965-2012 and chronicle how the […]
New York Here’s another example of a mainstream conservative sputtering in The Wall Street Journal about MLK’s “Dream” in the wake of the election. See […]
District of Corruption The Washington Post is furious that White Southern males from the ex-Confederacy, who are obviously guilty of the media’s sin of “racism” […]
Mississippi It is too late for the live thread, but I decided at the last minute to participate in the debate, and we spent about […]
New York In the New York Times, Charles Blow has a new column on the growth of regional and cultural polarization within the United States: […]
Georgia H/T Drudge This happened about 2 hours away from here at a Wal-Mart in South Georgia: “Walmart spokesman Randy Hargrove says a deal on […]
BRA Someone at National Review notices the reality of the situation: Update: There are 43 Democrats in the House from the South out of 199 […]
Massachusetts Massachusetts is truly getting the government it deserves: Note: Every county in Massachusetts voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. “Illegal immigrants in […]
Michigan Here’s the latest reason why even our Northern friends in Michigan should be able to agree that it is time to dissolve the Union: […]
National Review Mark Steyn’s latest column: Note: My analysis of Barack Obama’s reelection can be found below in “Flashvoting the 2012 Election.” “To an immigrant […]
Alabama This will be the last video shot through my smartphone:
BRA Palmetto Patriot talks with Time magazine about the Southern nationalist movement.
BRA I don’t recall her ever saying it before … “Liberals brag about having won the hearts and minds of America, as if, through logic […]
Massachusetts If he had campaigned like this in the general election, I would have voted for him: “A week after losing the election to President […]
Alabama In the comments, I said that I had noticed an explosion of hatred of the North and of blacks on Facebook in the aftermath of […]
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