Trevor Noah: Integration Failed
Trevor Noah questions integration
Trevor Noah questions integration
Afrikaners will be prioritized for refugee resettlement in the United States
Donald Trump gives tremendous lip service to Black History Month
Robert Edmond Davis is wanted for the murder of Josh Kruger
Ryan Carson was stabbed to death in front of his girlfriend in Brooklyn
Corporate America has stopped hiring White people
Matt Walsh reacts to the Etham Liming verdict
A retired White police chief was recently run over for fun in Las Vegas
The Columbus metro area has been the scene of several black-on-White crimes in recent years
If the cops in Memphis were White, the country would have gone up in flames
It is time to talk about the reality of black-on-White crime
Eliza Fletcher was brutally murdered by a black thug in Memphis
What happened to Baltimore?
Taxi Wars, Anti-Foreigner Riots, Zulu Riots and Tribal Conflict break out in South Africa
RIP Biz Markie who has tragically died of “racism” at age 57
Joe Biden led the charge against “white supremacy” in South Africa
The Black National Anthem will be played before the Star Spangled Banner
Why are Whites leaving South Africa?
South Africa is being liberated from “white supremacy”
Will the Wokelash sweep away institutional antiracism?
Armed black supremacists march through Tulsa and vow to kill all the White people
It is a new Republican Party
Jared Kushner is behind the Platinum Plan
The Platinum Plan was borrowed from Ice Cube
The Jazz Question and antiracism are related
The Rockefeller Foundation financed Boasian anthropology
Antiracism triumphed in the social sciences in the 1920s
An offer you can’t refuse!
The “Platinum Plan” is only available to groups which DO NOT vote for the GOP
401 years of systematic racism and oppression is blamed as the cause
Contact theory was the theoretical basis for integration
A book review of George Fitzhugh’s Sociology for the South, or The Failure of Free Society
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