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Replying to Evan

July 1, 2008 Hunter Wallace 4

Evan McLaren’s major objection to White Nationalism is the professional social pricing that comes along with supporting racialism. This is a valid criticism. It raises […]

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June 27, 2008 Hunter Wallace 4

I flipped out way back when oil hit $108 per barrel. I’m not sure what to do now. Stare in disbelief? Nothing at Hatewatch so […]

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June 26, 2008 Hunter Wallace 2

Richard Spencer believes the Obamacon phenemonon is based entirely on revulsion with George W. Bush and the Republican Party. Personally, I think it runs deeper […]

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Drill, Drill, Drill

June 23, 2008 Hunter Wallace 2

Jim Kunstler on the cornocopian idiot Larry Kudlow. Robert Reich has already pointed out that drilling off the coasts of California and Florida will not […]

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Some Comments

June 22, 2008 Hunter Wallace 4

For once, I agree with John Zmirak: it is the strength of our communities that makes the West worth fighting for, not our capacity to […]

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June 20, 2008 Hunter Wallace 0

Ian Jobling is being called a Neo-Nazi by his fellow neoconservatives. I laughed at loud at hearing that; maybe this is a joke, Jobling himself […]

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Car Culture

June 20, 2008 Hunter Wallace 4

Richard Spencer writes: It’s Primitivism Lite, a more presentable version of the fantasy that one day the modern world will finally collapse and we’ll all […]

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Self Ownership

June 19, 2008 Hunter Wallace 5

At, John Stossel repeats the myth of absolute self ownership. Independent of that harm, adults ought to own our own bodies, so it’s not […]

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Home From Nowhere

June 17, 2008 Hunter Wallace 2

Such a great excerpt: Community, as it once existed in the form of places worth caring about, supported by local economies, has been extirpated by […]

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Ahmadinejad on Oil

June 17, 2008 Hunter Wallace 0

Ahmadinejad is fully aware of the stress that will be placed up Western economies by Peak Oil. Dubya and his warmongering cheerleaders in the controlled […]

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The Future of PC

June 17, 2008 Hunter Wallace 4

Pat writes: A new orthodoxy is arising. Freedom’s finest hour may be behind us. The old orthodoxy will collapse as the Boomers retire. In the […]

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Chris Matthews

June 16, 2008 Hunter Wallace 0

He’s on television right now with Pat Buchanan gloating over how Tim Russert, a vicious attack dog of the establishment, asked David Duke a question (“earned his […]

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Gottfried on Wallace

June 16, 2008 Hunter Wallace 0

Paul Gottfried writes: The presidential bid of George Wallace, who had been an ardent segregationist in Alabama, did not resonate particularly well among movement conservatives. […]

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A New Order of Things

June 16, 2008 Hunter Wallace 0

I once used the term “paleo-progressive” to describe my views. Here’s an excerpt about the political career of Braxton Bragg Comer: Conservatives opposed Comer, not […]

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June 15, 2008 Hunter Wallace 0

The Iraq War is only the final straw in a long train of indignities that we have suffered at the hands of the conservative movement. What […]