New York Times: White Nationalists Are The Equivalent Of ISIS
Jewish newspaper cites other Jews to argue that White Nationalists are terrorists
Jewish newspaper cites other Jews to argue that White Nationalists are terrorists
Welcome to Clown World. Enjoy your stay.
Gab has reopened
He shot up a yoga studio in Florida yesterday
Sutherland Springs church shooter harassed Christians on Facebook before shooting them
True Cons are trying to take out Steve King in Iowa like they did Roy Moore in Alabama
Everyone resents SJWs who are a tiny, aggravating minority concentrated in the media
“Journalists” are inciting violence by failing to write correctly, accurately and fairly
#Killstream shut down for “hate speech” by YouTube
Why I am skipping the midterms
Bolsonaro picks hardcore anti-corruption judge as Justice Minister
The Huffington Post is nothing more than an Antifa blog
Dixie Anon responds to Matt Heimbach
How would Martin Luther have responded to political correctness?
This one is for you, Sheldon
Judeo-Christianity is a modern American fad
Can based black guys make up the difference?
We wanted him to come in legally
Illegal aliens will be catched, but not released
I’m being smeared by the SPLC
This is the first non-Muslim terrorist attack in Russia in decades
The GOP campaigns on White Nationalism, but governs on mainstream conservatism
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