Marvel Comics serves up some anti-white bigotry
Marvel comics hates White people And the Greatest Generation thought Marvel Comics and “Captain America” was the good guy! LOL. Marvel Comic’s Captain America is […]
Marvel comics hates White people And the Greatest Generation thought Marvel Comics and “Captain America” was the good guy! LOL. Marvel Comic’s Captain America is […]
I always knew that if ever got to see extended footage of Crazy Abe Foxman, I’d decrypt his racket. Sure enough, the movie Hashmatsa provided […]
In the CF nation entry for February 8, 2010, JH Kunstler becomes unhinged in calling the conservative Tea Party people “cornpone Nazis.” When Mr. Kunstler […]
Scientists getting murdered Remember the David Kelly case? Now 3 physicists in a year. Were these killings done by kidon teams? This goes along with […]
It’s a radio play in 3 acts with a surprise ending. Link here Very entertaining, and set near where I grew up. There are brief […]
The White nationalism of the 21st century is about making us better adapted to globalism, and thus more successful. If we are more successful, we […]
Here’s where to get it: Defamation I don’t have time to comment on it at the moment, but there are many excellent live quotes by […]
Though Michael Savage is certainly not on our side, he is a thorn in the side of the Democrat-Left. He was kicked off of his […]
http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/jonah-responds-historians-sort-defen Right at 2 minutes get Glenn Beck’s sleight of mouth, using time regression and playing with the word “reality” to disorient the mind. Way […]
A Conspiracy Theory is just something that contradict the Bernaysian Belief Machine, the Propasphere. For decades, conspiracy theorists have been marginalized. The Machine was Too […]
I don’t think Jared Taylor is too concerned. Politicaly and social dynamics state that when something is redlined and highlighted and put in neon signs: […]
Reading the Lefty press is very entertaining because it’s writers are well paid, and have the luxury to explicate very silly, wrongheaded ideas that make […]
What does Roissy’s “game” have in common with the Af-Pak war? Both are manifestations of Mind-Weaponization. Sure the unmanned drone robot planes are using their […]
Before any commenters whine, “Why bother to learn technical/scientific fields?” read this: The Coming Urban Terror John Robb Found this on VDARE Phoenix seems to […]
Martha Coakley sounds like a very pampered rich limousine liberal warmly nestled in a bed of taxpayer money. I have met Boston politicians and Democrat […]
I was looking at Hunter’s post about David Frum, and noticed this very interesting Frum quote: So if Jews do “hate” Palin, this may be […]
Kunstler January 15, 2010 This guy doesn’t get me at all. I’m not against white people… I’m just against white people who are against other […]
I don’t know if Traficant knows the term and definition of Taqiyah, but this is a beautiful example of it, fast forward to 8 minutes […]
I like to say that people don’t care who the Bosses are, so long as the Bosses are managing the store correctly. But Gross Mismanagement […]
We all know it’s unhealthy for children to be watching television. It’s already a cliche. Why am I writing such a Captain Obvious post? Because […]
In the same vein as the Holocaust religion, and in fairness, we should also object to the Republican Party’s sneaky conversion to Satanism. Satanism? Not […]
Some commenters have said that going after the federally mandated Holocaust curriculum “is not worth fighting.” No? The Jews themselves have been very active in […]
If any of Bob Whitaker’s associates are reading this, please pass this on to him. I think we need a mantra that covers “the Holocaust,” […]
Just because you aren’t buying “corn on the cob” or “canned corn” doesn’t mean you aren’t eating corn. Just about all packaged food is some […]
Kevin Macdonald and Hutton Gibson It’s the January 9 broadcast. Great stuff. Hutton Gibson has an encyclopedic knowledge of the past 100 years of attempts […]
A quick post about the Newsweek article, The Recession Generation. We all know the type of person who came of age in the Great Depression. […]
I was never one of those parents that spoke in a high, patronizing voice to my kid, like so many aging hippie dopers with the […]
Have you noticed that we Americans are pretty much stuck with one country, while immigrants actually have two countries? This one, and their “spare” back […]
I’m studying for my Comptia Network+ certification, and it mentioned that there is going to be an big Switchover to the new Internet addressing scheme, […]
I remember when this song came out in the 90’s. In a moment of nostalgia, I looked it up and found the youtube video, and […]
I have been messing around a lot with piano lately, mostly playing the bouncy, martial Radetsky march, Pachelbel Canon, and an arranged version of Chopin’s […]
A little bit off topic, but this bothers the hell out of me. There’s no reason we should be continuing the “throwaway” society. We could […]
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