Action! Episode 7: Hunter Wallace vs. Neo-Boomerism
Hunter Wallace, Matthew Heimbach and Tony Hovater discuss Neo-Boomerism
Hunter Wallace, Matthew Heimbach and Tony Hovater discuss Neo-Boomerism
Andrew Anglin debates Sargon of Akkad
First Things accuses the Alt-Right of being Anti-Christian
No, Antifa seems to be in decline
OD is proven right again
President Trump asks a very good question
The GOP establishment has separated Trump from Trumpism
Patrick Deneen’s interesting new book
The death of classical liberalism
Trump is now identified with conservatism
Richard Spencer destroys Sargon of Akkad
No, mainstream conservatism has made Trump unpopular
Bannon was repeatedly warned not to name the Jew
Christopher Cantwell and Ricky Vaughn debate the Optics Question
The party of conservative ideas will be extremely unpopular
Silicon Valley breathes a sigh of relief
You’re all Gerbils
We have work to do
Vegas Tenold misses the forest for the trees
No Votes Without Representation
He hasn’t really thought this through
Prepare yourselves for the most important election of our lifetimes
The prime mover was Donald Trump
Liberalism is a cultural disease
Press F for Alt-Right Twitter. Long Live GAB
Neoliberalism is wrecking our country
We need less conventional thinking
President Trump has pursued a mainstream conservative agenda
Cuckservatives see a glorious triumph in their impending demise
Fake news pushing the narrative that Alt-Tech has failed
Corporate capitalism is no friend of ours
Harold and Brad discuss a huge news week
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