Abbeville Institute: Virginia First: The 1607 Project
Who are the real Founders?
Who are the real Founders?
A book review of Eric Hinderaker and Peter C. Mancell’s At the Edge of Empire: The Backcountry in British North America
Scottish immigrants began to move to the American colonies in the late 17th century
Confederate ideology makes much more sense than “fascism”
The League of the South was the tip of the spear
James Edwards and Hunter Wallace discuss the rise of Christian nationalism
Will Baptist America survive the 21st century?
American conservatism is based on Lincoln’s proposition nation
Pitch in what you can to help a friend and one of our own
The “bubbas” are revolting against the cucks within the Southern Baptist Convention
Southerners created Decoration Day to honor fallen Confederate soldiers
North Carolina voters strongly agree that Confederate monuments should remain in public spaces
PBS documentary explores the life of Huey Long
The Chesapeake dominated the American Founding and Early Republic
In 1856, George Fitzhugh predicted that liberal capitalism would undermine and eventually destroy itself
A book review of George Fitzhugh’s Sociology for the South, or The Failure of Free Society
The end of liberalism will come when it dissolves itself
Conservative liberals capitulate to the mob again
Those who do not believe or respect the government of God will not believe in, respect or obey the government of man
Stable governments are not based on abstract liberal ideals
It is time to cancel conservatism
George Fitzhugh on the American Revolution
In the late antebellum era, a group of Southern intellectuals created a new vision for the South
Sons of Confederate Veterans agree to drop lawsuit
Scientists are trying to restore the American Chestnut tree
Huey Long debated Norman Thomas in 1934
We’re not sorry
Andrew Jackson, the Democratic Party and illiberal democracy
They spit on our graves while calling us haters for being so insensitive
Andrew Jackson was a Southerner with a large following in Appalachia and the Old Southwest
A book review of Rich Lowry’s The Case for Nationalism
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