Secular Talk: “Sinful”: Biden Rips Anti-Trans Bill
The “Populist Left” case for grooming children
The “Populist Left” case for grooming children
Joe Biden argues it is “sinful” to oppose sex change operations for children
German bishops revolt against Catholic Church
A book review of James C. Burkee’s Power, Politics and the Missouri Synod
“Racism” is not a sin
Anti-Whiteism is spiraling out of control in America
Christianity is being undermined from within by liberalism and modernism
Concordia Publishing House refused to publish Andrew Schulze’s My Neighbor of Another Color
The LCMS has changed its tune on racism
When did “racism” become a sin?
Sadly, the rumors are true
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is working with Antifa to purge “racists” from Lutheran congregations
Racial attitudes are driving education polarization
David French is Standing With Ukraine
Joe Biden signs an executive order on “equity” in the federal government
Liberals are people who embrace the latest fads and trends
GB News investigates Britain’s grooming gangs
Red States are attracting population from Blue States
White Americans are sharply divided on race and identity
5 out of 97 federal judges confirmed by Joe Biden are White men
The Grammys aren’t even trying to hide it anymore
White college educated voters have changed the Democratic coalition
A book review of Joseph A. Conforti’s Saints and Strangers: New England in British North America
The Democratic Party is the party of minority and affluent White coastal professionals
Sam Smith wants to become the White genderqueer Lizzo
Systemic anti-Whiteism is spiraling out of control in America
Religion and politics are closely related
In the U.K., it is a crime to “inspire” mass shootings in foreign countries
Colonial New England was based on a White Christian nationalist social order
Half of Republican voters agree with White Christian Nationalism
Antiwhiteism has become fashionable in our culture
Is Western liberal democracy worth defending?
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