Monumental Dixie
Large pro-Confederate rally planned in Birmingham
Large pro-Confederate rally planned in Birmingham
If the races were reversed, it would be labeled a “hate crime”
The American Left, the Taliban, and ISIS have a lot in common
James Edwards reports on the large Southern heritage rally in Memphis
Are we witnessing the American Kristallnacht?
They only object to you noticing and opposing it
Condemned for not fighting “racism” hard enough
Thousands rally across the South in defense of Southern heritage
Gov. Haslam of Tennessee has suddenly changed his tune on Nathan Bedford Forrest
Pro-Confederate rallies are being organized across the South
“Heritage, Not Hate” supporters forgot they are hated
League of the South confronts Cultural Marxists in Gainesville, FL
Republicans announce a “new day” for the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce
He hasn’t come to bring milk for babies
Confederate Battle Flag rallies continue across the South
South Carolina Republicans overwhelmingly vote against the Confederate Battle Flag
League of the South rallies in Jackson in defense of Mississippi State Flag
Pro-Confederate Battle Flag demonstrations take place across the South
Stafford, VA 75 people showed up to wave the Confederate Battle Flag with the Virginia/Maryland League of the South in Stafford, VA. Lots of familiar […]
The South could have defeated democracy
These appear to be local people protesting the SCV’s removal of the Confederate Battle Flag from the Chattooga County Courthouse: “Winters did not return a […]
Here’s the most recent act of vandalism on one of our monuments in Augusta, GA: Is this a hate crime? Imagine for a moment that […]
Wanted to see “how much damage” they could do
There are several new polls out which show the public is rejecting the narrative about the Confederate Battle Flag that is being propagated by the […]
If the City of Memphis moves forward with this and does something this offensive, I can guarantee you that all hell is going to break […]
In Birmingham, AL, the assault on this 110 year old historic monument has begun by the black majority government: Also in Linn Park, there is another […]
Irate locals organize welcoming party for Obama
I will keep this short and simple: 1.) These spontaneous Confederate Battle Flag rallies are a symptom of the outrage that is brimming underneath the […]
Editor’s Note: Please use this thread to report activism and share links to upcoming events as you come across them. I’m hearing reports of more […]
Early reports are rolling in from a wild weekend of pro-Southern activism: 1.) Nearly 1,000 people turned out to support the Confederate Battle Flag in […]
Epic post coming up this afternoon, folks. Stay tuned. I’m about to call out these mainstream American “conservatives” on how they have destroyed the South. […]
The leftwing media has always hated the Confederate Battle Flag
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