
Catalonia Marches For Independence
“To submit to the encroachments of this vulgar crew of plunderers and fanatics, is a degradation no other free people than the people of the […]

European Election Results
Europe Open thread. Note: I’m working on something now, but feel free to share the latest updates here.

Far-Right Fever for a Europe Tied to Russia
Europe The League of the South invited Vladimir Putin to their 2014 national conference: “But the event, part of an energetic push for votes by […]

Putin Signs Anti-Gay Measures Into Law
Russia Vladimir Putin’s approach to gay marriage is more interesting than Greg Johnson’s approach at Counter-Currents: “President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a measure […]

Rivers of Blood: Now France
France Nothing to see here. Just your everyday hooliganism. “A uniformed French soldier on anti-terrorist duties in Paris had his throat cut by a knife-wielding […]

Sweden Burning
Sweden Sweden has been celebrating diversity for the third (or fourth) night in a row:

Allah Akbar: Muslims Decaptitate Soldier In London
United Kingdom The victim was wearing a “Help for Heroes” t-shirt: Note: Meanwhile, the “youths” of Sweden are rioting in Stockholm, and French intellectual Dominique […]

Barbara Spectre and Muslim Immigration
Sweden H/T CofCC She kind of spells it out here …

The Dark Age Renaissance of Northern Europe
Western Europe How about something completely different?

Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World
Switzerland I’m sure it helps that there are few Swiss of “African origin.” Note: I’m not sure if Switzerland has the “lowest crime rate” in […]

Catalonia Independence Referendum
Spain The two major Catalan nationalist parties have agreed to hold an independence referendum in 2014. Madrid still considers secession illegal, but the Catalan nationalists […]

Separatism Surge
Europe Who needs FOX News when you have RT America?

Catalonia and Scotland: In Search of Independence
Catalonia and Scotland Here’s a new article that compares and contrasts the independence movements in Catalonia and Scotland: “Still, the SNP planned their referendum on […]

Catalonia’s Domino Effect
Spain You know that the Basques have to be watching what is going on in Catalonia in light of the ETA’s vanguardist tradition of armed […]

Catalonia’s Precedent for Texas
Spain In spite of the media spin, the bottom line coming out of Catalonia’s elections is that the four separatist parties won a clear majority […]

Catalan Secessionists Win Regional Elections
Spain Early Returns: A bittersweet victory in Spain … the Catalan secessionist parties have won a majority in the regional elections, but it looks like […]

Catalonia Goes To The Polls
Spain The Spanish state of Catalonia is holding elections on Sunday which are expected to return a strong pro-independence majority in the Catalan regional parliament: […]

Caribbean Project: Review: Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World
New World In Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of New World Slavery, David Brion Davis sets the American South within the international context of […]

The Negro and The Enlightenment
Europe This excerpt comes from David Brion Davis’ Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World: “For example, David Hume, Britain’s […]

Slavery and Moral Sentiments
Rome Here’s an excerpt from David Brion Davis’ Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World about slavery in Ancient Rome. […]

Caribbean Project: Louis Sebastien Mercier, Abbé Raynal, and Black Jacobinism
France If you ever wondered why the slaves in Saint-Domingue and the French Caribbean were emancipated and why free negroes were transformed into French citizens […]

The English Civil War
Britain H/T Lew Rockwell Roundhead vs. Cavalier … the first war between the Yankee and the Southron races, this one also started by “the disturbers […]

Henry Hotze: Confederate Propagandist
Dixie H/T Gregory Hood While the search for “Black Confederates” continues at the Southern Heritage Non-Preservation Group, I feel like quoting an extract from an […]

Soccer Euro 2012 – It’s a White Thing
Europe So Southeastern Conference college football has gone from being all White in 1967 to being virtually all Black in 2012 (the lone exception my […]

Canadian Psycho Arrested In Berlin
Germany Guess he wasn’t invincible: Note: Anyone who has read Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho and seen the movie remembers the scenes that inspired “1 […]

The Wormhole
New York James Howard Kunstler has a new column on The Great Unwind in Europe: “Now we get to the really fun part of the […]

Geert Wilders on Glenn Beck
GBTV Glenn Beck considers Geert Wilders a hero:

Now That’s a “Flagging”
Greece H/T CofCC Golden Dawn came out of nowhere … maybe we can do the same here? Note: The Rainbow Confederates must be thrown overboard […]

Greece’s Right Wing: A New Dawn?
Greece “We are a Christian nation and we are Europeans. We don’t need Asians, Muslim fanatics in our country, simple as that,” says Ilias Panagiotaros, […]

Golden Dawn
Greece H/T Vox Day Following on the heels of Marine Le Pen’s recent electoral breakthrough in France, the Greek nationalists are poised for a surge […]