
Trump’s Picks: Rick Perry for Energy
Oops, Trump picks Dances With Jews for Energy

Vanity Fair: Why Angry White America Fell For Putin
Western liberalism is cancerous

The Trump Question
Trump’s victory was still a win-win scenario

Trump’s Picks: Rex Tillerson and John Bolton for State
Who is Rex Tillerson?

The Reince Revolution
Reince Preibus is restocking The Swamp

Trump’s Picks: Andrew Liveris for American Manufacturing Council
Welcome to the Kardashian presidency

Trump’s Picks: Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Interior
Trump picks another establishment Republican for Interior

Trump’s Picks: Gary Cohn for National Economic Council
Buyer’s remorse has already begun

Andy Puzder Is Even Worse Than You Thought
Cheap Labor Express seizes Labor Department

Jennifer Palmieri’s Hysterical Editorial
Cool it with the sanctimony

Trump’s Picks: Andy Puzder for Labor
Trump taps yet another extreme conservative

Trump’s Picks: General John F. Kelly For DHS
Trump taps General John Kelly for DHS

Cuckservatives: House Republicans Signal Break With Trump Over Tariffs
Don’t touch our free trade!

Heads Explode: Richard Spencer Speaks At Texas A&M University
Media meltdown as hundreds of snowflakes protest

Austrians Choked, Italians Awoke
Hofer loses in Austria, but “No” triumphs in Italy

Live Thread: Italian Referendum and Austrian Presidential Election
Austria and Italy vote

Conservatives Howl Over Carrier Deal
It’s not “True Conservatism”

Annudah Shoah: Alexander Van der Bellen Ad
Granny Gertrude has gone senile … it’s 2016

Austrian and Italian Elections
Austria and Italy vote this weekend

Richard Spencer: Crunch Time For Immigration Reform
The clock is ticking

President-Elect Trump In Cincinnati
Can he turn the page?

Hillary’s Biggest Fanboy: How I Ended Up In A Psych Ward On Election Night
From shattering the glass ceiling to drool cup

Trump News: Carrier, Mattis, Recent Tweets
Some good things Trump has done lately

The Alt-Lite Isn’t Going Anywhere
Understanding its motives

The Alt-Crackpot
Conspiracy theory marketers are riding the Trump wave into nationalism

Alt-Right Celebrates Nancy Pelosi’s Victory
This is great news for us

Trump’s Latest Picks: Elaine Chao, Tom Price, Steven Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross
What happened to #DrainTheSwamp?

The Spoiled Brat: The Life and Times of Derek Black
A sheltered child grew up to become a race traitor

Paul Joseph Watson’s “New Right” Scam
Who is Paul Joseph Watson?

Trump’s Latest Picks: Ben Carson, Nikki Haley, Nancy DeVos
Guess who is avowed now?

Alt-Right vs. Alt-Lite
Civil War edition