NIGGERCEL: Mentally Ill Black Groyper Incel Livestreams School Shooting In Nashville
Niggercell opened fire on women
Niggercell opened fire on women
4 people are dead including the gunman
Vanguardists are back in the news
The Bill of Rights is an existential threat
Payton Gendron was open about his intentions
Mass shooter opens fire on Taiwanese congregation in Laguna Woods
Violent accelerationism inspires other mass shooters, but is a road to nowhere
Violent accelerations kills ten in Buffalo
Antifa are an albatross in the fight against the Radical Right
Is America on the verge of a cataclysmic civil war triggered by “domestic violent extremism”?
Patriots believe that the threat of violence keeps the federal government in check
Is the FBI cracking down too hard on Antifa?
Antifa are bent on destroying Portland’s “precious way of life”
The first step to fixing the movement is rethinking old failed strategies and coming up with new ones
The Capitol Siege was more violent than we initially thought
Antifa kill a Patriot Prayer supporter in Portland
Mostly peaceful protesters are burning the Bible now
Violence returns us to might makes right
What are the factors that bring about revolutions, civil wars and state collapse?
White family attacked by black mob in Panama City Beach, FL
Scholar warns America’s elite to turn back before it is too late
Everything White must go!
Donald Trump impotently tweets “Law & Order”
The end of a long peace is forecasted
Imagining the world beyond Civil War 2
It is happening on live television
U.C. Berkeley is incapable of mourning the death of a White student
The GOP doesn’t care about equal protection of the law, statues and monuments, censorship, etc.
Woke professionals are pushing America to the brink of collapse
The anarchist farce in Seattle has claimed its first life
What are we watching?
American civilization is collapsing because of a mere word
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