Joe Rogan Interviews Martyr Made
Joe Rogan and Darryl Cooper discuss the postwar consensus
Joe Rogan and Darryl Cooper discuss the postwar consensus
Christianity is compatible with White survival
A second Trump administration will tackle institutional anti-Whiteism
Corporate America has stopped hiring White people
Conservative liberals should oppose White identity politics
“Racism” is not a sin
Anti-Whiteism is spiraling out of control in America
The LCMS has changed its tune on racism
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is working with Antifa to purge “racists” from Lutheran congregations
White Americans are sharply divided on race and identity
5 out of 97 federal judges confirmed by Joe Biden are White men
White college educated voters have changed the Democratic coalition
A book review of Joseph A. Conforti’s Saints and Strangers: New England in British North America
There isn’t a Christian Question
A book review of Eric Hinderaker and Peter C. Mancell’s At the Edge of Empire: The Backcountry in British North America
Republican voters are alarmed by rising anti-Whiteism
America is plagued by systemic anti-Whiteism
NoWhiteGuilt claims he has been misrepresented
White leftists are defined by their hatred of traditional values
White liberals aren’t going free
American politics revolves around this unbridgeable cultural divide
America is becoming less racially polarized
White Christian Nationalism is the future
Tucker Carlson calls out anti-Whiteism on MSNBC
Kanye West doubles down on White Lives Matter
Kanye West and Candace Owens stand up for White people
Conservatives are flirting with race realism
America was founded as a promised land for European Christians
Where did White Nationalism come from?
What’s going on with the conservative mainstream?
The blinkered worldview of secular White Nationalists blinds them to the world around them
Christian nationalism was the ideology of the Klan and apartheid South Africa
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