Jimmy’s Art Piece Reveals Nightmare of Biden’s America
Neoliberal Joe’s priorities are a laughingstock
Neoliberal Joe’s priorities are a laughingstock
55% of the CPAC audience would vote for Trump in the 2024 primary
Trump lays claim to the Republican Party
What do you think of Woodrow Wilson?
Republican voters have soured on the libertarian approach to big business
Populism came from Kansas
Nick Fuentes is still banned from CPAC
Former Republican elites are furious that Donald Trump controls the Republican Party now
The Gilded Age ended in the Populist and Progressive era
Bill Maher is also sick of walking on eggshells
Trumpism is completing its conquest of the GOP
House votes 219 to 210 to pass COVID relief bill
Paul Gosar and Steve King spoke at AFPAC
The stage is shaped like an odal rune
Joe Biden kills 22 people in Syria
Probable 2024 candidates audition for president
Are Woke elites poised to rule America for a generation?
We’re dominating the national conversation!
Joe was one of the key figures who crafted the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act
The brats have ridden Neoliberal Joe into power and now they are showing their true colors
The preening of the True Cons is the same, but the power and influence has evaporated
Conservatives keep falling in traps no one actually set for them.
The Millennials are coming to power and are poised for a brutal culture war in the 2020s
Senate parliamentarian determines that minimum wage hike violates budget reconciliation rules
Joe Biden authorizes attack on Iran backed militias
Republicans are mean people for attacking trans people
There is a lack of public support for Republican establishment politics
CPAC hasn’t caught up with the realignment of voters
Is America First really over?
Is it time to be white pilled?
Sadly, Joe Biden isn’t Franklin Roosevelt
Americans are using social media to communicate, form their own opinions and criticize the political class
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